Untitled Part 1

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Well let me just start of by saying hi, and my name is troy. collage has been a big thing for me. I have been assigned to write a essay about something that makes me happy.i love writing and the whole thing about collage but sometime the things im thinking does not come out in time, when im trying to write things. at this point in time my grades are failing because i have been asigned several of essays to write but i have failed to do so. "well i did but not on paper, i wrote it in my head". my profesor had the smart remark that what i write in my head does not count because i did not put it on paper.ding dang ding dang. the bell rang and it was times up for my last essay to write and i still have not written it yet. well its time to go home for the summer.

Hey michal where are you going this summer " oh im going all the way to houston to see a football game! well i might not be able to go anywhere, i did not finish my essays and my dad is going to kill me. " man dont feel bad, i did not finish my essays either." NO! you dont understand im going to get killed. " "well im sorry i cant help you with that".

Uggh time to get on this ragety bus and it stinks man. cher cher, " well yall im the bus driver mr jones and i will be taking you home today, look in the back of the seat in front of you and write your name and adress down on the paper and pass it up to me".

Troy Hennington

171 palmeto dr

jennie can you pass this up"sure troy" ben said mr jones time to get off the bus " see yall next year ' said ben cher cher we started off down the road again and hopfully im next to get off this ragety bus errrr we stoped again "troy time time to get off the bus" said mr jones thank you jesus its my time to leave.

" hey son how was your first year in collage' said dad oh it was good. i didnt tell him that i failed to finish the essays i was assigned to do, because i knew he was going to kill me. " well lets get home and get some sleep son even though you may not get any if your mom is up. all she can do is whine ans say how she cant wait until you get home.' said dad ok " o lord she is up now now listen try and fake sleep' yes sir " hey hunnie said dad he is sleep " well im about to wake his behind up" hey mom how are ya well i was going crazy with outcha here with me. oh mom you missed me that much. Yea son my world is nothing With out you her. Well Lets get inside and get some sleep son, yes sir.

Gosh i cant sleep at all. I think im going to Go and neek a peek at the horses. Hey snicker doodle,bobby,joe and cupcakes how aré you guys i missed yall. Heyy joe Lets take a ride up the mountin it will be fun. "Nay!" 

ya! come on joe lets keep it a going. come on joe whats wrong. when i looked out the corner of my eye  it was a couger that scared joe and joe rared up and i fell of , and he was gone, he left me. the couger started coming at me, i jumped up and started running but at the same time i was falling to, oww, i stumbled and fail down a huge hill and when my body finally stoped tumbleing, i saw the most magnifacent thing ever, it was the black beuty. i saw the mustang that i have always wanted to see. it started pawing at the ground, i thought it was trying to paw at me, but he was scaring away the couger. wow thanks black, nay nay, and he ran off into the grassy lands ahead of us.

dad i just saw the black mustang in the grassy lands. well troy do you know what i just saw, no sir what? your professor just sent me a letter that clearly states that you failed to write your essays that was due. well dad i did but  not on paper, it was in my head, yea i wrote it in my head. you are not allowed to do or go anywhere untile you finish writing your essays troy. you are to old for this, and its time for you to grow up, when are you going to grow up,  tell me?

go up to your room and dont come out until i tell you so. yes sir.

What is wrong with that boy he always does what he is sappose to do, what is going on with him I think ill go up and talk to him, " no hunny let him be, he is already mad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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