old friend

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~we nearly drowned for such a silly thing~

kazuichi remembered that day like it had just happened.

him and gundham and sonia were visiting a lake together for spring break. they had rented a cabin and were staying for a week. he had stepped into the cold water, but gundham had jumped right in.

he remembered being annoyed at the sudden coldness as the wave from gundham's jump doused him. sonia had laughed at that.

when gundham resurfaced, his hand immediately went to his ear. he frowned.

"ah, mortals, it seems that i have lost my beloved earring. let us promptly search for it!" and with that, he dove underneath the murky surface.

kazuichi figured that since he was already cold, he might as well help look. he went under the water.


they never found gundham's earring, even after many hours of searching.

call kazuichi sentimental, but he likes to think that the earring will stay there forever, as undeniable proof that they were there.

but it's just an earring.

and it's probably long gone by now.

~someone who loves me now better than you~

kazuichi felt stupid to admit it, but he still had feelings for gundham.

as stupid as it sounds.

even as he entered into multiple relationships after high school and into college. he stopped dating after a while, though.

he couldn't stop pretending his partners were him.

~and that pretty friend is finally yours~

for a while, kazuichi had thought that he was in love with sonia.

it was easier that even daring to think that gundham of all people could be the object of his affections.

but he just couldn't deny the fact that he thought gundham was beautiful, so he gave up on sonia. it had done wonders for their friendship.

but gundham had crushed kazuichi's heart underneath his heel.

gundham and sonia had started dating right at the beginning of their third year, leaving kazuichi as the third wheel for the rest of their high school career.

and it was fine. kazuichi had other things to be doing anyways.
yeah, right.

~and i'll be around on sunday~

it's been a few years since then, kazuichi still hasn't moved on.

~i haven't told anyone just like we promised. have you?~

a secret that kazuichi held deep in his chest was that he and gundham had kissed once.

it had been an accident, of course, but after that, he couldn't stop dreaming of how soft gundham's lips were. even now, he still can't forget the taste.

but gundham had made him promise that he would never tell. and, well, kazuichi was in love, so he agreed without a second thought. now he longed to tell anyone, if only to have confirmation that it had ever happened in the first place.

he often wonders if gundham had ever told sonia.

probably not.

gundham was a good person, who didn't imagine high school crushes in place of their romantic partner, unlike someone kazuichi could name (himself).

~every time I drive through the city where you're from, i squeeze a little~

he decided that it was time to visit. neither of them had seem each other in years, though they sometimes still texted.

as he drove to the address that gundham had given him, he was struck with a bout of anxiety. would he be able to keep his feelings hidden still?

~meet me at blue diner, i'll take coffee and talk about nothing, baby~

they met at the old diner all three of them used to practically live in after school.

blue diner. it was still as run down as kazuichi remembered it.

gundham was there when he arrived. kazuichi walked up to the table, nodding to the old man who still worked behind the counter.

'its almost as if nothing has changed' he thought.

if kazuichi pretended hard enough, it would almost feel like they were still in high school, still best friends, still dumb and happy and feeling like they could take on the world.

~at blue diner, i'll take anything you want to give me, baby~

they had a nice conversation about all the things that had changed in the years since they had been face to face.

~at blue diner, i'll take coffee, talk about nothing, baby~

eventually, they got on the topic of relationships.

as it turns out, gundham and sonia had broken up recently.

kazuichi felt his heart swell.

~blue diner, i'll take anything you want to give me, baby~

old friend (soudam)Where stories live. Discover now