"Books suck." I look up and see my best friend Kate staring down at me holding a bag of doritos and a Fiji water bottle. She always loved the expensive stuff.

"How would you know?" I ask taking the bag of delicious chips from her hand.

That girl doesn't even read books. For the longest time she thought I had gone insane when she came to my house and found me reading Twilight. I told her I wanted to pick up a new hobby and I decided reading might be fun to try out. Little did I know that the one vampire romance would lead me in a deep rabbit hole of hopeless romantic books, which quickly became an addiction. Darn you Edward Cullen and your amazing jawline.

     "Because-", she said sitting down next to me and letting out a loud sigh stopping her from finishing her sentence.
      "Because they are just words scattered across pages upon pages that tell a story that gets your hopes up but won't ever happen in your life."

She stops and looks me in the eyes.

"At least the types of books you read." She says taking the bad of chips back and grabbing a handful.

I give her a deathly look and she just smiles at me, maybe I should start practicing my death glare in the mirror again.

Kate and I have been best friends since I could remember. My dad and I moved here when I was six because of his job and what happened with mom. Kate was my neighbor.

   Apparently Kate had walked over to me when we were unpacking the boxes from the truck, and she gave me her Barbie with its leg torn off and a very bad choppy haircut then asked if I wanted to go play "Supermodel" in her sandbox. Of course I did, I mean who wouldn't?

     She has an older brother named Wyatt, he and her look almost identical, with their chocolate brown hair and those piercing green eyes. Heck, if Kate wanted to, she could be a supermodel. No joke.

Then there's me, your average blond blue eyed bitch who everyone thinks is perfect but doesn't know what they're talking about. My mom died of breast cancer when I was four years old and if that wasn't worse enough my dad became an alcoholic but he went to rehab which seemed to help for the most of it until the last two years when his brother, my uncle passed away in a car wreck.

He started drinking again and sometimes he would black out and hurt me. I have scars but I'm tough. I'd rather be his punching bad than my little siblings Luna and Luke. I've learned to lock me and the twins in my room after nine p.m. because that's the time he usually starts drinking and around three I go downstairs and find him blacked out somewhere around the house. And I'd have to drag him to his bed and leave him an Ibuprofen on his bedside table along with a glass of water.

"Hey, do you want to come spend the night with me?" Kate proposed.
"Yea sure I have to check up on the twins first though and pack my bag." I said getting up with my bag to head to our last period.

~after school~

I hopped off the bus and grabbed my keys and opened the door. When I walked in I saw Luna and Luke  sitting on the floor in front of the television watching miraculous and my eyes immediately catch sight of the smexy cat noir. God he's hot. That animated D could get this gorilla grip cooch any day.

I smelt some pizza rolls cooking. Gran is here. She always makes the twins food and for some reason they both love those frozen balls of pizza.

"Hey Gran." I walk over to my grandmother and catch her reading the newest addition of "Top 100 Sexiest Men Alive!" I noticed a shirtless picture of Chris Evans on the cover. She notices me walk towards her and quickly puts the magazine down and trades it for a devotional while crossing her legs and pushing up her glasses in a flustered motion.

"Hey baby, how was school?" She asked putting down the devotional book she quickly switched when I walked over.

"It was ok I mean I made a B on my science test but I honestly don't give a shit." I take a seat next to her and notice she is chuckling. She's not like most grandmas. She's a cool grandma.

"Can the twins stay with you tonight? I want to go and spend the night with Kate."
I read over her and grab the magazine she so badly tried to hide. I was right, there is a picture of Chris Evans on the cover. That man ages like fine wine.

"Sure honey you know I take any time I can to hang out with my little munchkins. You know I have to, I won't be around forever." She states getting up to take the pizza rolls out the mini oven.

"Ok thank you Gran and by the way you aren't dying on me any time soon or I'll find a way to raise your ass from the grave." I say with a serious look in my eyes. She turns around and gives me a shy smile. I keep eye contact as I walk up the stairs.

"You heard me!" I say halfway up the stairs turning in the direction of my room.

I walk into my room. It's decorated perfectly, a few of my favorite records above my bed and a strip of led lights around them. Beautiful.

I walk towards my closet and grab my old backpack from elementary school and put a few t-shirts and shorts in it as well as my hairbrush

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I walk towards my closet and grab my old backpack from elementary school and put a few t-shirts and shorts in it as well as my hairbrush. I don't bring my toothbrush because I keep one at Kate's from how much I stay over there.

Text Kate that I will be at her house in five minutes. I grab my old high top converse out my shoes and lace them up on my feet. I grab my phone charger as the last thing and shove it into my bag and head out of my room. Before I leave out of the door, I give both my siblings a hug.

"Y'all better be good for Gram." I say coming out of the hug. I think they did a little nod but I'm not sure because their heads were glued to the tv screen. I give Grams a hug as well then head out the door and walk across the street to Kate's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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