Diary 38

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Feeling the cold floor and the cold breeze. Naeun slowly opened her eyes and looked around her surroundings.

Nothing looks familiar to her. She noticed that she's in a cage and her foot was in a chain.

"Well, well." a voice said.

Naeun turned to that person.

"You never changed, Naeun. A beauty as you are, you will never leave me ever again." he said.

"Who are you?" Naeun asked, weakly.

"Who I am? You forgot about me already?"

Naeun looked a little closer.

"Let me give you a hint. We go to the same high school, I was about to talk to you until that pretty boy came in."

Naeun's eyes widen in shock.

"You're him. Song Juk-Yeon."

He smirked. "That's right."

Naeun also noticed there's more cages around her.

"And these are...the missing nurses." she said.

He chuckled evilly.

"You're not going to get away with this." Naeun sneered.

"Oh really? You think Kai will come to the recuse and save your ass. I like to see that." he said.
Kai went home, hoping Naeun is not upset anymore.
He decided to go to bed and realized Naeun is not there. 

Kai pulled out his phone and called her. But it just went to voice mail.

Weird. He thought.

He called the number again and it went to voicemail.

Kai went to the living room and looked at the window. Naeun's car was still there.

But her shoes....weren't there.

Kai dialed a number on his phone and waited.

"What's up?"

"Hyung, somethings wrong. Naeun is not here." Kai said.


"I told her to go home and now she's gone. I'll come back to the office. Meet me there. I think it's the unsub. He's on the move."
"We don't have any idea where he is." Daehyun said.

"I might know where." Kai said.

Daehyun arched his eye brows at him. "You mean...."

"We need to talk to Jennie." Kai said.
They brought Jennie into the question room and Kai walked in.

"What's the deal?" She asked.
"Deal? Just tell me where is Song Juk-Yeon." Kai replied.

Jennie smirked.

"Is she that important to you? What about me, Kai?"

Kai glared and showed her the picture of Juk-Yeon.

"Tell me where he is and I'll let you go." He said.
"And if I don't?"

Kai slowly leaned over and glared even more.
"I'll let the media know that you're also involved."

"I didn't have a choice." Jennie said.
"You did have a choice. And you choose this. Why?" Kai asked.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, GOD DAMM IT!" Jennie shouted.

Kai gave her a blunt look and sat back.
"You know I don't have the same feelings for you."

"What does she have that I don't?! Why is she so special?!" Jennie exclaimed.

Dear Diary (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now