A Taste of Normalcy

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"Wanda, take your hands off the glass, please," Natasha asked gently.

Wanda's fingers, sticky from the snacks she'd been sneaking, reluctantly slid away from the door. Natasha was busy leaning over the queen-sized bed, sorting through Wanda's luggage and unpacking it into the drawers.

The child's gaze remained fixed on the outside, where the deck and its wooden furniture beckoned. The hammock, in particular, seemed to call to her, reminding her of the soothing rock of the one at the compound. Without realizing it, her hands crept back to the glass.

"Wanda, what did I say?" Natasha's tone was firm yet kind as she walked over, hands on her hips. She gently pulled Wanda's hands away from the glass, then turned the girl around and gave a light smack on her backside.

Wanda flinched, not in pain but in surprise. The action wasn't harsh, but it was enough to make her jump. Her lower lip quivered slightly as she looked up at Natasha with wide, questioning eyes.

"When I ask you to do something, you need to listen. Do you understand?" Natasha said, pointing a finger at her with a stern but caring look.

Wanda's voice was a tiny whimper as she replied, "I want to go on the swing," pointing at the hammock longingly.

Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She felt a pang of sympathy for the girl, her heart softening at Wanda's earnest request. "Sweetheart, if you want something, just ask. Once you're dressed, I'll take you," she said, holding out her hand. Wanda grasped it eagerly. "But we don't have long; we need to be ready in 20 minutes."

Wanda nodded enthusiastically, her face lighting up with the promise of the hammock.

Natasha gently set Wanda on the bed, and the little girl immediately crawled over to the open suitcase. She began rummaging through her clothes, her excitement palpable as she picked out her outfit.

"Okay, we need a dress, shorts, shoes, and a bow. Anything that catches your eye," Natasha said, trying to sound as patient as she could.

Wanda hesitated, then continued to move items around, her determination clear. Natasha's patience wore thin as the minutes ticked by.

"Any time now," Natasha said with a hint of impatience, though her heart was softened by Wanda's determination.

Wanda didn't respond, lost in her own world of choices. Natasha stepped in, pulling out three dresses: a simple red one, a white one with a lace top and frilly bottom, and a yellow one with a frilly bottom. She laid them out for Wanda to see.

"Okay, honey, pick one," Natasha said, smiling down at her.

Wanda scrutinized the options, her tiny fingers brushing over the fabrics. After a moment, she pulled the yellow dress close, clearly choosing it with excitement.

"Good choice," Natasha said, her smile widening. "Now we need some shoes."

Natasha walked over to the closet, retrieving the yellow flats she'd unpacked earlier. Meanwhile, Wanda had already removed her bathing suit top and bottoms, slipping into underwear and then her spandex shorts from the yellow dress. She pulled the dress over her head and adjusted it with a practiced ease, her long hair tumbling around her shoulders.

Natasha turned around, holding the shoes. She smiled at Wanda, who was now dressed and looking adorable. "You look wonderful," she said, her voice warm and genuine.

Wanda's cheeks flushed pink. It had been a long time since anyone, besides her brother, had complimented her like that. The kind words seemed to brighten her entire demeanor.

"Let's get your shoes on, shall we?" Natasha said, crouching down and helping Wanda slip into the yellow flats. As she tapped the shoes onto Wanda's little feet, she looked up, her eyes soft with affection.

"How about we do your hair on the hammock? Sounds like a good idea?" Natasha suggested.

Wanda's face lit up again as she hurried over to the door. It had a child lock that she couldn't open, so she jumped in place, her excitement bubbling over.

"Come on, Nat, let's go!" Wanda urged, her voice brimming with anticipation.

Natasha chuckled, her heart warming at Wanda's eagerness. She grabbed the hair supplies from the bed and walked over to the door, opening it after entering the code.

As the door slid open, Wanda bolted outside, running towards the hammock. Natasha followed, carrying the plastic bag of hair supplies, and found Wanda already settled in the hammock.

Natasha crawled into the hammock behind Wanda, gently brushing the girl's long hair. "Okay, try and stay still. I'll work fast."

Wanda, nestled comfortably in the hammock, looked up at Natasha with hopeful eyes. "Will we go to the beach later?" she asked, pointing down at the sand.

"Maybe," Natasha replied, brushing out the tangles. "It depends on when we get back. But we can always come out here to relax instead."

Wanda's eyes widened at the suggestion, clearly excited about the idea. "Can I play with Carol and Pepper later, though?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.

"Well, that depends on them," Natasha said, securing Wanda's hair into a loose ponytail and adding a matching bow. "But I'm sure they'd love to spend time with you."

Wanda nodded and leaned back against Natasha's chest, her eyes drifting to the sky. Natasha felt a profound sense of peace as she held the girl close, savoring the moment. Wanda's hair, now smelling faintly of strawberries, was a reminder of the simpler times and the comfort Natasha provided.

A soft smile crossed Natasha's face as she gently rocked the hammock, just enough to create a soothing motion without tiring Wanda. She breathed in deeply, appreciating the tranquility of the moment.

"There are my lovely ladies," Steve called out as he walked outside from the main back door.

"Hey, old man," Natasha greeted, glancing back at Steve.

"Wow, look at you all dressed up in a suit and tie," Natasha said with a teasing smile.

Steve leaned down to kiss her, "Is it too much?"

Natasha shook her head, her eyes twinkling. "Not at all."

"Hi, Steve!" Wanda waved, her excitement at seeing him evident.

Steve's jaw dropped in mock astonishment. "Wow, look at you! Let me get a good look at you," he said as he gently lifted Wanda off the hammock and placed her on the wooden deck.

Wanda twirled in her dress, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Beautiful," Steve said, his voice full of admiration.

"Let's go; we're keeping the car waiting," Pepper called out from the back door.

Steve offered his hand to Natasha to help her off the hammock. "We're coming," he said, his voice full of affection. Natasha adjusted her black dress, her heart warmed by the simple pleasure of the day and the joy of seeing Wanda so happy.

As they walked towards the waiting car, Natasha couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Seeing Wanda's delight, the tenderness of their interactions, and the excitement of the day ahead filled her with warmth. This was the kind of moment she had longed for, a small piece of normalcy and joy amidst the chaos of their lives.

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