Insane Cannibal

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whoever thought Namikaze Minato was sane did not know anything.

Minato..wasn't right in the head,at the age of four he ate his first organ his mother had brought him,she had even murdered the other woman right infront of him,at the time he was really scared,but seeing Mama calm,it made him calm too.

slowly any normal food he ate was reduced to flesh and human organs,his mother drilling everything she knew about the human body,while also training him fiercefully with pocket knifes.

she was dead on his six birthday,saying how he was ready and handing him a thick book before hanging herself,he decided to not eat her dead body.

he read the book untill he memorised it,the book was about ninjas and how to train,he did it,he even went to the academy.

he even made his own style,the Inuzuka's kinda inspired him,he called it Insane Style,like the names says,the style is pretty insane.

it requires to mostly stay on all fours,biting also being a big part of it too,let's not forget about flexibility too.

So one day his team decided to have a picnic,Kushina tagging along also.

This being his very first picnic,he knew nothing of how to fake eat the normal food infront of him(he never had more then one audience when fake eating),he sweat and groaned quietly,it was easy hiding the food when Kushina makes him some,a hard process to do,but he somehow did it,but...

His stomach grumbled loudly,he flushed slightly and groaned again,this time hearible,Kushina started to loudly tell him he should start eating,he with slightly shaky hands grabbed the easiest thing he could probably fake eat in the pile.

He took a apple.

Before he could start taking out a empty scroll quickly,the red head decided to shove the apple in his throat,forcefully making him take a bite instinctively and swallow.

His students and best friend watched with shock as he immediately puked it on the grass next to him.

"Fuck!"that was horrible!he growled,screw hidng it!he was hungry!

Rin,Obito and Kakashi slightly slid over to Kushina at the growl he let out.

He took out a scroll with the kanji heart on it and let out the food in it,in came out a human heart that was still bloody from his earlier kill.

He took it and bit it,enjoying the juices it produced,the juices being the blood of course.

He licked his mouth and arm after he finished,a smile on his face.

Looking at his team and Kushina,he sweatdropped at the looks the four gave him...


that was a hard conversation,out of all four,Kakashi was the calmest,he kinda expected it.

two weeks later,them being the only people to know without dying by his hands as a meal,Kakashi had knocked on his door,opening it he smiled at the thirteen year old"ah,Kakashi,what brings you-is that flesh?"he blinked looking at what the teen was holding,he was indeed holding flesh.

the last Hatake looked down before holding out the flesh to him"i thought you would like it.."Minato took it before opening the door wider to let the boy in.

"well thank you Kakashi"clossing the door he turned around and looked at Kakashi who seemed to be making a decision.

he crouched a bit"Kak-!"he was caught off guard when the small ninja grabbed his cheeks,brought his mask down,and kissed him hardly with hes eyes clossed.

his blue eyes widen and a bright blush appeared on his face,he grabbed the boy and walked over to the couch,sittin on it Kakashi wrapped hes legs around the cannibals waist.

after two minutes they broke the kiss,breathing heavily,the insane cannibal looked at the flesh he still had in hand before looking back at the silver haired boy.

Kakashi flushed slightly before burrowing hes face into Minato's chest.

the blond started to eat the flesh,letting the boy sleep on him,both's blushes still there...


ideas like this make me sad since i can't make a story out of it,i already have three stories,and two of them are almost done,and the other is lost through motivation.

words:*asks for a body*


words:*says please*

uh...sure?i don't see why not


Insane Cannibal(Minato X Kakashi One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now