Fun Times In The Secret Hideout

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Kaidou and Kuboyasu had a lot of fun in their fort.

Kuboyasu had confessed to Kaidou with a letter, but it didn't go so well. Luckily for him, Kaidou felt the same, so things worked themselves out. They liked having a place to be alone, even if they just talked all day.

"Hey, Aren?" Kaidou asked. He was holding onto Kuboyasu's hand and they were sitting on the old couch.


Kaidou looked up at him and smiled.

"You want to play a game?"

"A game? What kind of game?"

Kaidou fiddled with the stuffing coming out the side of the couch cushion.

"Well, I heard a few kids playing it at school, but I don't really know what it's called. It's that one where you're supposed to tell someone two things about yourself that's true, and one thing that's not. Do you know about that game?"

Kuboyasu was holding back a laugh, and Kaidou could tell.

"You mean, Two Truths, One Lie?" That game?"

Kaidou turned red as Kuboyasu started to chuckle.

"Y-yeah, that one. I didn't know what it was called. I feel kinda stupid now."

Kuboyasu pulled him close and kissed his cheek, making him blush even more.

"No, you're not stupid. I'll play. You want to go first?"

Kaidou smiled.

"Ok, I have been to California, I have dyed my hair, and I have never stayed up for an entire night."

"Hm... The first one is the lie."

Kaidou laughed.

"Nope. I've been to California."

Kuboyasu blinked.

"Really? So then, the second one?"

"Nope. You really had no idea?"

"You really haven't stayed up all night? Are you a child?" Kuboyasu teased.

Kaidou playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

"No, I haven't. I always fall asle-"

"You dyed your hair? When? What color?"

Kuboyasu couldn't imagine Kaidou without his fluffy, blue hair. He loved his hair.

"Well, actually," Kaidou replied, "I dyed it black."

Kuboyasu pretended to be upset.

"What? Why? Your hair is perfect!"

Kaidou blushed.

"I didn't like it at first. People teased me and said I looked girly, so I dyed it and straightened it. I like it now though."

Kuboyasu closed his eyes and tried his hardest to imagine Kaidou with his hair that way. It almost hurt his heart to think about it. It felt dirty.

"Well, I love it," Kuboyasu reassured him. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're so embarrassing! Ok, now it's your turn."

"Ok, then. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, I play the melodica, and I hate spicy food."

"Definitely the last one. I'm sure you'd love the taste of pain."

Kuboyasu scoffed.

"Actually, that one's true. I can't stand it."

"Ok then, I don't know what the melodica is, but you don't seem very musical."

"Nope. That's true."

"So then, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"I don't really like ice cream, actually. I prefer smoothies."

Kaidou thought for a bit.

"So you do play the melodica? What even is that? It is an instrument, right?"

Kuboyasu rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, technically I learned it back in the fifth grade. It is an instrument. It's kinda like a piano you blow into, except it kinda sounds like a harmonica."

"That sounds cool," Kaidou beamed. "Why haven't you serenaded me yet?"

Kuboyasu felt his face warm up.

"Well, I haven't played it in years, and I only played it for a class."

"I never thought you'd be the musical type."

"Well, I'm really not. I was horrible at it. The teacher would make me sit down during practice."

Kaidou giggled.

"Aw, stop crushing my dreams!"

"Sorry... I never practiced, because I was always getting into fights."

Kuboyasu hugged Kaidou and held his hand.

"I love you."

Kaidou's face flushed.

"Me too."


"This is fun."

Kuboyasu looked into his eyes.

"What is?"

"Being with you. Thank you for confessing. I don't know how long it would've taken me to do it, and then I wouldn't get to spend time with you like this."

Kaidou wrapped his arms around Kuboyasu's neck and kissed him. Kuboyasu was surprised at first, but he got used to it and let his eyes flutter shut.

They loved the feeling they got when they were together.

It was like nothing else mattered, like there was nothing in the world but them.

Kaidou and Kuboyasu loved their fort.

Fun Times In The Secret HideoutWhere stories live. Discover now