As the walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, Johnny asked miss Loretta why don't you have a child? Miss Loretta was shocked that he asked her that question ,she said I don't have a child because I don't have a husband, but why don't you gave a husband ? Johnny asked , Miss Loretta smile and said I won't tell you that as yet Johnny but soon you will know but for now come get something to eat , get a good bathe and get some rest ok said Johnny.
After doing all of those thing miss Loretta bring Johnny into his room and started singing a lollaby to him "Miss Loretta Johnny called" yes Johnny what is it she said could I be your son ? he ask why she said because you always take good care of me and always gives me motivational speech just like a mother would do to his/her child .
I do it because I love you Johnny said Miss Loretta and yes I would take you to be my child "would you like to be my child" ?she asked yes said Johnny I would love for you to become my second mother Miss Loretta smiled and said ok but for now you must be tired I think you need some rest so just get some sleep ok , yes said Johnny ,ok go get some rest I'm gonna go get a bathe and some rest also I had a stressful day "love you said Johnny", love you more said miss Loretta as she kissed him on the forehead and walked out of his room saying sweet dreams Johnny.