I'm not Jealous or am I

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Everybody who was close to Taehyung know he is a happy, easygoing guy. He didn't take himself too seriously and he liked to joke around.

He thought pranks were funny, even now as a young popular idol whom many looks upto. Taehyung was always helping out others and make friends with just about everyone he came across. He is the social butterfly afterall.

That's why it was so surprising that Kim Taehyung of all people, had a pretty intense jealousy streak.

It wasn't something people saw very often, which, when compounded with his personality, made it that much more astonishing. In fact, Taehyung really only got insanely jealous over one thing.

Or, rather, one person.

One girl.

One Idol, singer, Rapper.

One and only Kim Jennie.

It had taken Them a while to realize they liked each other, But even before he'd come to that conclusion, he'd had a habit of getting jealous when Jennie would talk fondly of other guys, or get a little too close to them specially some of her male idol fans and friends other than his members.

Taehyung never recognized it as jealousy. But their friends did. And it was intriguing to them.

Their members also noticed but Jimin was the first person to notice that Tae had that habit, that's why they are called soulmates,ya know.

It was 4 years before, when they were in an award show, there were many artists who attend that ceremony .

Unfortunately for Taehyung, one of Jennie's favourite Actor happened to be there. Whom She is big fan and she takes photos with him and they're talking and laughing about 4-5 minutes.

Taehyung and Jennie were best friends for so long now but Jennie never told Taehyung about her big crush on that actor before and tae suddenly became huffy and sneered:

"You must really want that picture with him,huh?." Taehyung said as he saw Jennie entering their waiting room.

Jennie hadn't been affected at all by the comment, and simply responded that she is a big fan and she got the chance and that's it its not a big deal. After that, Taehyung dropped the subject...and the attitude.

Jimin, however, was not about to let it go so easily.

As the two boys sat on the chair of their waiting room, watching Jennie monitor her Solo performance, Jimin decided to try his luck and inquire about the prior incident.

"Taehyung ah," Jimin prodded, glancing over at the younger male. Taehyung looked towards him to show he was listening. "What was up with you before?"

Taehyung blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you seemed a little...upset over the idea of Jennie wanting to take a picture with that actor," Jimin explained.

"Oh, that," Taehyung scoffed. "It was nothing! I just think it's kinda silly to make such a big deal for her over famous people, she is not like that before."

"Except Jennie didn't care about him its not a big deal," Jimin continued, arching an eyebrow. "You were annoyed before she even said that."

"I wasn't annoyed," Taehyung calmly argued, knitting his brows.

"Could've fooled me," Jimin mumbled, folding his arms across his chest. He knew he wasn't going to get anything out of this conversation, so he decided to just drop it.

But now Taehyung was confused, and he wanted answers. He was not going to drop the topic so easily. "Why'd you think I was annoyed?"

"Because you sounded annoyed," Jimin answered plainly. "I just kind of thought...never mind."

"Wait, what'd you think?" Taehyung pressed.

Jimin sucked in a breath before admitting, "I thought you might be jealous."

"Jealous?" Taehyung repeated. "Why would I be jealous?"

Jimin resisted the urge to smack his own face. Taehyung was too dense for his own good.

"Because Jennie was showing feelings towards another guy. Which, actually, she wasn't even doing. You just assumed that's what she was doing."

Taehyung looked even more confused than before, which Jimin hadn't thought was possible.

"I don't care what Jennie does... I mean, I do. But that's because she's my friend! I wouldn't tell her what to do or get upset over what she chooses to do, though. That'd be weird!"

"Oh, okay," Jimin breathed, lulling Taehyung into a sense of false security. "So if Jennie was interested in a guy, you wouldn't mind?"

Taehyung pulled back. He suddenly didn't seem so sure of himself. "...no, I wouldn't."

"Really?" Jimin pressed.

"Yeah," Taehyung grumbled, looking back towards Jennie just as she was about to go out to as Jisoo was calling her to go to their waiting room before someone notice them here.

"Really." Taehyung said.

Jimin scoffed, quietly so Taehyung couldn't hear it, and glanced in the same direction as him.

That's a lie if I ever heard one.

"Hey guys I am going, see you later" Jennie said as she went out without anyone noticing with Jisoo.

"Bye" they both replied.

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