Chapter 7

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After watching everyone dance we decided to play a game. Truth or fucking dare. Great! I sit there drinking pink gin and lemonade now needing more of the buzz knowing something is going to happen. Fuck! I can't wait to see him. I hope he sticks to his promise.
"Thruth or dare Mia" Sian asks her and I already know.
"Dare obviously" she says rolling her eyes playfully.
"I dare you to full on make out with Marcus" she says and I can't help the laugh that escapes me.
"OK. Easy.. I've been waiting to do this all night" she says straddingly his lap grabbing either side of his face and kissing him. Everyone cat calls and heckles.
"Whoooop Whoooop" I call out. Smiling I see Marcus's hand glide over her ass and grip it pulling her closer.
"You can stop now" Sian says laughing. They both pull away breathless, heavy breathing and she gets of his lap sitting back next to him on the sofa.
"Your turn Stacey" Sian says and I sigh knowing I will be booed for choosing the boring one.
"I'll start with a truth" I say and down the rest of my drink. Victor hands me his spliff and I take a bun and fucking hell he packs it jeez. I hold the cough at bay and open the gin swigging from the bottle helping rid the burn.
"Tell us all the truth.. Have you decided if Victor is getting some of you later" I cough out suddenly and look at her wide eyed while everybody laughs.. Except Victor. I look at him and he shrugs.
"It's OK beautiful" he whispers to me and I relax a little. Breathing out in a rush I just answer her truthfully.
"Absolutely" I tell her and blow her a kiss. That doesn't mean anything just that I've decided. But all I can think about is Liam. I grab the bottle and swig more.
"Yes girl, get it" Mia calls out making me laugh. I take some more of Victor's spliff and start to feel more of a high bubble over me. I love it.
"Sian it's your turn" Mia says sitting up smirking.
"Dare" she says quickly making up her mind.
"You better do what I did with Kai bitch" Mia laughs and I look at Sian seeing her swallow a little then down her vodka coke..
"You sure about this" I hear her ask Kai and he smiles at her.
"Absolutely, come give me some" he says playfully pulling her into his lap.
They make out for a while before Sian pulls away and giggles.
"Now it's the boys turn" Mia says excitedly.
"I wana see a mix up" Kai says and I look at him with a raise brow. Erm.. I dunno about that.
"Absolutely not" Victor demands making the other guys laugh.
"Dont be boring Victor" Marcus says but Victor stiffens up next to me.
"You might want to share yours. But I ain't sharing mine" he says putting his arm over my shoulder smiling at him I mouth a quick thankyou.

After the boys played there rounds I had to make out with Victor sitting on his lap like the others. And I swear everyone just wanted to see eachother kiss. What are we in school?
We carried on drinking and the music got turned back up. I pulled Victor up to dance with me feeling drunk now not caring.
"Dance with me babe" I say pulling on his arm he laughs at me and gets up. We all dance and laugh and joke. It's been a good night and I'm glad we came.
"I need to find my way home" I tell Victor now drunk into his ear as I dance with him.
"Thought you was staying beautiful. I'll take you home tomorrow" he tells me making me smile. Why not?
"OK, if your sure" I ask him smiling.
"Of course baby girl" he says with a smile.
I pull away from him needing the bathroom suddenly and hold up a finger.
Walking up the stairs well swaying I feel hands grab me.
"Where you going beautiful" I hear Marcus say. I cringe away from him and look at him.
"I need the bathroom" I tell him pulling away from his grasp. He looks down at me and smirks walking away. Weird?
I walk up the stairs and find my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me. Switching on the light I struggle to pull my jeans down but get there in the end dropping down on the toilet.
Doing my business I wipe relentlessly and flush trying to pull up my jeans.
Suddenly the door flies open and I see Marcus, he steps in and closes the door behind him. What the actual fuck?
"What are you doing, get out!" I stress drunkenly. He just chuckles and watches me still struggling to pull my jeans up in a haste.
"How about I help you with that" he says to me coming towards me.
I pull them up so fast I snap my nail and push past him running down the stairs.
"What's wrong. What happened?" Victor asks and I run into his arms feeling safe.
"Come on beautiful. You know you want to" I hear Marcus coming down the stairs and I begin to panic and I feel Victor tense up at him.
"What the fuck did you do Marcus?" he spits angrily. He pulls me to look at him
"Tell me what he did love" he asks me gently.
"It doesn't mater. Nothing I just can't be near him right now" I tell him backing away from his friend.
"You out now!" he points to the door at Marcus and pulls me back closer.
Kai walks up to us and looks between us and Marcus.
"What did you do this time man fuck sake" Kai says to him shaking his head.
"Just go man, sort your head out" he adds and walks into the kitchen sighing.
I want Liam. Why did he have to leave.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now