Chapter 8

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Waking up with my head pounding again wasn't what I was expecting. But atleast we had fun like we wanted.
"Morning beautiful" I hear and sit up on my arms looking towards the door and see Victor in his shorts holding a tray. He actually made me breakfast.. Aww.
"Morning handsome" I say shyly feeling like I look like shit.
Dropping back on the bed I wipe under my eyes and sort my clothes realising I have just my top on. What the fuck?
"Where are my clothes?" I ask him looking around the room spotting them on his chair.
"You don't remember?" he asks and I look at him confused.
"You took them off last night, you said you refuse to sleep in jeans and your bra, so you took them off" he says walking into the room further and handing me the tray as I sit up.
"Thank you Victor. You really didn't have to" I tell him smiling.
"We didn't.. you know" I ask him embarrassed.
"You'd of definitely remembered if we had beautiful. Trust me" he says making me blush and I look down at the food. Orange juice and a bacon and cheese sandwich. Delicious.
"Well I'm glad we didn't I'd like to remember everything" I say then cover my mouth did I just say that out loud.
"That's exactly why we didn't. As much as we could have tho" he says looking me over. What did I do? I don't normally smoke and drink so now I hardly remember what happened after his friend left. The dick..
"Oh my god" I cover my face. I spoke to Liam.
"I enjoyed all night with you beautiful don't worry about it" he says and I remove my hands slowly seeing him smile.
"Right eat your food then you can have a shower if you'd like to?" he asks me looking me over.
"I'd love one but I have no clothes" I tell him and pick up half the sandwich taking a bite. Oh my god its good.
"I'll give you a pair of my shorts and a tshirt don't worry about it beautiful" he tells me making me smile.
"Thanks, your so nice" I tell him laughing and he shrugs.
"Not always. But you'll never see that side of me love" he tells me and I'm intrigued to know what that side would be like. Why?

After eating and taking a shower using Victor's products to wash I left my hair up not washing that I'll do that when I get home. But now I smell of him
Not that it's a bad thing and all that. But still..
I stand in his bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body looking at the tshirt and shorts on the bed that he's left me.
"If you need anything else just call" he says walking into the bedroom but freezers when he sees me.
"I didn't expect you to be done beautiful" he says and I shrug not knowing what to say. I didn't wash my hair so it didn't take me to long.
"Are these OK?" he asks walking over to me.
"Yeah, thank you" I tell him with a smile. I start to dry and I lean over but didn't grab my towel and it drops. Fuck!
"Fuck your perfect" he whispers and looks at me everywhere. I grab the tshirt and pull it over my head then pull up the shorts. So clumsy at times it's annoying. Why does this happen to me?
"Sorry" I say looking down hating my body and hating that he had to see it.
"You don't need to every apologize, your beautiful baby girl" he tells me and I sigh.
"I wouldn't lie Stacey" he tells me coming closer lifting my face to look at him.
"Perfect for me" he whispers and kisses me.
Hugging me to his bare chest, I wrap my arms around his waist and breath him in.
Is this what I've been missing?

Walking through the hallway I see Sian and Mia sitting on the sofa rubbing there eyes.
"I can take you two home when your ready" Kai tells them and Mia perks up.
"I could go now to be honest. I need a shower and food" she says and stands up grabbing her bag. Sian does the same then Kai follows them.
"Hey girl, we're off home. I'll call you later" Mia says to me and hugs me.
She looks me over and smirks.
"Nice clothes" Sian says smiling at me. I blush and look back to Mia.
"Make sure you do. Get home safe babe" I tell them hugging them both.

After they left Victor built up a spliff and we sit together on his sofa laughing about yesterday.
"We should do this again.." he says and I smile at him as he hands me the spliff.
"Yeah I'd like that. It was fun" I tell him happily.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" he says looking into my eyes. He suddenly kisses me and I can't help but kiss him back. He puts his hand at the back of my neck pulling me closer to kiss him. He moves the ashtray and takes the spliff from me and he pulls me onto him to straddle his lap. Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck enjoying the feeling of him running his hands up the back of my tshirt. Pulling away to catch my breath I see the lust in his eyes and feel the meaty length between my thighs laying against my stimulated cleft. Fuck he's big..
"I want to feel your wet, warm heat wrapped around my cock beautiful" he growls into my ear. And it sounded hot as fuck. Do I want to have sex with him? Yes.. But now?
"I want to feel you victor" I moan rolling my hips along his hard dick.. He suddenly stands holding me still and I wrap my legs around his waist and he walks us towards the stairs.
"Where you taking me. We could of just done it here victor" I moan still feeling him against me.
"I'm about to fuck you into oblivion beautiful we'll need my bed, you can ride me another time baby girl" he tells me and before we know it he's lowering me down onto his bed.
"You sure baby girl. I don't want you to do something your not comfortable with" he asks, seeing concern in his eyes I smile. He's nothing like his stupid friend.
"Absolutely" I say shyly and blush making him chuckle.
What will Liam think of me? I've only ever been with him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now