Chapter 1

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Tired... that's all I could really feel when I woke up, I was exhausted. I must've been sleeping for a while, or I was out drinking with the lads last night. The monotonous ringing in my head, I hate it but time shall cure that.

I could hardly lift my arm... I couldn't lift it at all. Sleep paralysis? Or was I dreaming? It felt too real for it to be a dream, the warm sheets underneath me, the blanket thrown clumsily onto my torso and the leather restraint around my wrist... the restraints. My drowsiness was quickly overridden by fear as I do not recognize the room I'm in and the restraints around my wrist, a leather belt with a tether rope which links to the bed post. Out of panic I frantically yank on the rope with no effect, but I remain persistent.

The futility eventually ends my relentless fight, leaving me to look around the room for anything to hopefully to break the tether, the fact that the room is dark with little to no light source makes it even more difficult. But with the little light I could barely make out a door, a small wardrobe and desk that is out of reach and a window, curtains closed and looks boarded up, other than that the room seems desolate and empty. But nothing in the room looks useful or helpful to the situation I found myself in.
I was left with one last option...

"C-Can somebody help me?!!" I yell out, tugging at my arm as I do so.

. . .

Only reply was silence, I cry out again, hoping to that I can be heard.

. . . . Thud... thud...

Footsteps, definitely footsteps, getting louder and louder... heavy and fast. The nature of the footsteps spark a thought in my head... someone had to have done this to me and calling out like that has probably arranged me to meet them face to face.

I suddenly flinch as the footsteps stop outside the door, the sound of a key being clumsily crammed into the keyhole to unlock the door.

I should've remained silent...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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