Chapter 10

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After washing and getting out the shower Victor gives me more shorts and a t-shirt to put on and I put my clothes into a bag he gave me.
"You want something to eat beautiful?" he asks me as I sit on his sofa flicking through the tv. I think I should be getting home. But I don't want to yet.
"I don't mind. Didn't you want me to go home now?" I ask him confused. Didn't he get what he's been waiting for?
"I didn't just want to fuck you Stacey. I actually like you surprisingly. I hate everyone" he says and laughs. Thanks.
"So you like me.. How much?" I ask him confidently getting up and walking over to him in the doorway.
"More than most girls" he says and pulls me into his arms, he nuzzles my neck and kisses along my jaw up to my lips.
"I've had more fun this night with you than I have all year love" he says and I wonder why. What's happened?
"So I'll see you again then?" I ask him shyly all of a sudden.
"Absolutely beautiful" he says kissing me passionately. We pull away breathing heavily and his arms holding me up around my waist. What am I doing?
"I want to take you out on a proper date baby girl, can I?" he asks me looking into my eyes.
"Absolutely!" I say giddy making him chuckle.
"Tomorrow night then, 7pm I'll pick you up" he says and kisses me quickly again.
So I'm going on a date. Again..
"That's be great" I tell him smiling. Jeez
"Let's make a sandwich then have another spliff and I'll take you home before I make you stay another night" he says looking at his watch. What time even isit? Who cares..

After making out and not keeping our hands to ourselves he finally let's me get out the car after we exchanges numbers.
"I'll call you beautiful. Don't hide from me" he says in a demanding tone making me cletch my thighs. I love it.
"I won't Victor. See you tomorrow" I tell him through his window and turn to walk away into my house.
I watch him drive away and smile happily to myself as I see Macey.
"Where you been all night?" she asks me suspiciously.
"Out with friends don't worry" I say to her patting her head. She looks me over and smirks.
"Nice clothes sister" she says walking off and shit I forgot I'm still wearing his tshirt. I run up the stairs and into my room dropping onto my double bed and I can't stop smiling.
Pulling my phone out I see a text from Mia.

Mia: Where are you bitch I'm coming round X

I sigh happily I need to talk to her.

Stacey: Just got home babe, come round X

I hit send and put my phone on the side playing music through my speakers and change into my clothes.

Looking in my mirror I see a different girl looking back. She's glowing and happy and looks sexy for once.

I hear knocking at the door and jog down the stairs to answer it

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I hear knocking at the door and jog down the stairs to answer it.
"Hey girl, look at you" she says walking in and into the kitchen.
I close the door and follow her in.
"Hey mum" I say to my mum who's sat there smoking, reading a magazine.
"Hey babe. Hi Mia" she says to us both.
"Going anywhere nice you two?" my mum asks us.
"Staying in mum been a wild few nights. I'm going out tomorrow" I tell her holding back the details till I've told my bestie.
I need to call Sian aswell.
"Right mum we'll be upstairs if you need me" I tell her grabbing bottled water from the fridge for us to take up.
"Alright hun" she says looking up smiling.
I make my way through the hall way and up the stairs to my bedroom and sit on my bed waiting for Mia to get comfortable before I spill my excitement..
"Tell me everything" she says soon as she sits down. I laugh and hand over a water and breath out..
"We had sex after you lot left. He's fucking massive, I gave him a blow job in the shower after aswell and swallowed like you told me too. It's not that bad actually. And he wants to take me on a date tomorrow night" I tell her smiling and she just stares at me.
"You had sex? And he still wants to take you out tomorrow. Are you sure?" she asks confused. She normally gets fucked and chucked. Victor's not like that.
"Yes I'm sure Mia. He demanded that we go on a date infact" I tell her smugly. What?
"You got a good one there Stacey. I'm so proud of you for swallowing too" she says laughing and I cover my face embarrassed.
"Not so loud, Macey's next door Mia" I tell her quietly. Making her laugh more.

After we talk about what Marcus did she pulls out weed from her coat pocket and I grab tobacco and rizzla from my draw with roach.
Watching Mia as she makes a longer one sticking rizzla together she bills up and hands it to me to spark.
"Thanks, you should of tried Victor's, he packs the shit out of them" I tell her chuckling thinking of how I handled it.. just, without coughing.
"He's well into you girl. He couldn't take his eyes off you all night" she tells me as I start to smoke. Smiling I look at her and hand it over after taking a few bun.

After we smoked the spliff, we laid down laughing and joking about lastnight and how weird it was that we met with them just lastnight and I'm already going on a date.
He must actually like me if he wants to see me again after we've already had sex Mia kept going on about it. It's normal right?People do have sex before they date but she's just not feeling it.

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