Chapter 13

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After having more than one drink we find ourselves back in his car and I'm horny.
"Undo your jeans. Now." I demand looking at him with lust full eyes. He does as I say loving this side of me clearly.
He pulls them down to his thighs letting his hard cock spring out into my hands. He starts the car up and speeds off.
Leaning over the middle compartment I stroke him bringing him to the brink of an orgasam then stopping and I continued that torture all the way home.

He unlocks his door and closes it behind him locking it up.
He suddenly grabs my waist and pulls me into his body and kisses me forcefully. I match him, our lips moving in sync and I slide my tongue into his mouth tasting him again. Fuck he's good.
He sucks on my tongue, and fuck I want him to do that somewhere else. He hikes up my dress around my waist and picks me up wrapping my legs around him. Just like before.
He kisses along my jaw and down to my neck searching for my sweet spot, he finds it within moments and laches on sucking and licking at it making me moan and throw my head back giving him more access. He walks me up the stairs to the bedroom pushing the door open and puts me down on his bed on my back. He stops kissing me and starts to undo my shoes and takes them off one by one. He kisses from my foot, up my calf, then my thigh and around my aching cleft then back down my leg to my other foot. I arch my back needing more of him. He hooks his fingers into my lace thong and slides it down my thighs lifting my ass to help him out a little. He throws it to the floor where my shoes are and then sits me up lifting my dress over my head throwing it to the floor and he stands there gazing at my bare breasts that bounce around from the impact of lifting.
"So sexy baby girl" he tells me with lust full eyes. I look at his cock that's grown a lot.
"You need to be taking off them clothes" I say climbing to my knees. I unbutton his shirt, pushing it off his broad shoulders as it drops to the floor, I run my hands over his biceps and feel down his chest to his abdominal area. I start to undo his jeans and pull them down his legs and his cock is protruding hard out the bottom of his boxers. So fucking hot.
He leans over and unties his shoes kicking them off his jeans follow and he stands there in his boxers looking at me.
I make a grab for his cock but he steps back.
"Not this time baby girl" he says husky and deep taking down his boxers. I slowly lay myself back down on the bed. He moves hovering on top of me and kisses me gently on the lips. He kisses down my chest and locks around each nipple sucking on them making them hard and wet. He kisses, licks and bites his way down to my cleft. Where I need him the most. He settles between my legs and gives me one slow lick from my entrance up to my clit.
"Deliciously sweet baby girl" he says looking up at me from between my thighs.

"Fuck! Yes" I cry out as he pounds into me holding his headboard and now we're about to break it. He grabs and holds my legs spread apart while my ass is bent over in the air and he holds the headboard to plow into me deep.
"Take it Stacey. Take it all baby girl" he growls out gripping my throat. I love it when he does that. I tighten my pussy around him getting close to my climax and start to push back bouncing my ass off him. "Fuck baby, just like that" he entices me further.
"Victor" I scream croaked through my gripped throat.
"Yes Stacey give it to me" he grits out through clenched teeth and I feel his cock swell inside me. Sending me over the edge again.
"Yes baby" I encourage him as he fucks me through my orgasms.
"That was.. Wow" I breathe panting heavily.
"I'm not done with you baby girl" he tells me and flips me over. He slides back in and pounds me hard. Fuck!
"Take it baby" he grits out fucking me deep and hard.
"FUCK Victor!" I scream out feeling gushes of wetness hit my thighs and soak the sheets but he doesn't stop there. He continues to fuck me harder and harder.
"Yes baby" he groans feeling me tightening around his throbbing cock.
"Fuckkk!" he growls out coming into the condom.
Slowly pulling out he breathes hard and drops next to me on the bed. I watch as he rolls the condom off and ties it wraps it in in a tissue then throws it in to the bin.
"I can't feel my body never mind my legs" I tell him trying to move.
"I'm sorry beautiful if I hurt you" he says smirking. I think he knows what he's done.
"It's OK, I enjoyed it" I tell him with a smirk of my own.

Finally getting up I grab Victor's t-shirt from his drawer and pull it over my body and make my way on shaky legs to the bathroom.
"You can have a shower if you want" he calls out and thank God I want one.
Doing my business I flush and switch the shower on pulling the t-shirt over my head.
Stepping in I let the hot water run over my flushed body and quickly wash using his wash gel. Rinsing off I hear the bathroom door open and I feel hands suddenly on my body.
"So sexy baby" he growls into my ear from behind.
"I could fuck you all night long but I'll give you a break... Till the morning anyways" he says kissing my neck and down my shoulder and tweaking my nipples and I feel how hard he is against my ass. Fuck he's ready already.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now