A Quick Note

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Hey there! Alex here. Just a couple things to note before we begin:

One, I use a very formally informal narration, and the narrator is an actual character who is pretty much me. With this in mind, hopefully the narrators commentary on the story won't 

bother you too much, but let it be known that it is very much intentional.

Two, the names can be strange and hard to read, I know! This is because I have yet to come up with a letter system for the Original Common of Anavic, which is the language that will be most often spoken in this world during this time period. That being said, I also think it would kind of take readers out of the story a little if I were to input important things like names as a whole bunch of symbols that have no researchable meaning to you. (Meaning, you can't look up how they may be pronounced, the way you may be able to other languages like Russian or Japanese.) In the future, this will change, but I will also create a key in the future. For now, the names are spelled as they're pronounced through English eyes.

Three, this story is not beta read, and will most likely reflect that. I am totally looking for beta readers if any of you are interested, but for now I don't have any. If you're interested, feel free to DM me! For future works, I am planning on having beta readers, but since this one is pretty 

informal I think it's okay to go in without one.

Four, this may become a hard story to read. I really mean it when I talk about Conan, the main character, becoming a bit of a monster. you may like her in the beginning and end up hating her after her character development, because trust me when I say it isn't a positive one. With that noted, HUGE trigger warning as well, because I do not sugarcoat things, and do not plan on skipping out on details. My aim is to immerse you enough to sometimes feel what Conan may be feeling, and if that is something you cannot handle I recommend a different story. If you can not 

handle gore, I offer the same recommendation.

Five: I may add to this as time goes by, so also keep a lookout for that just in case! I will not add anything to the beginnings or ends of my chapters as I have in previous works, save for the occasional trigger warnings, so any updates will be added to this part and this part only!

With all that gone over, I hope you enjoy the informal introduction to my little world! It will go through many changes, as we are starting very close to the beginning of its timeline, but I'm excited to get to know said changes, and am hoping you are as well!

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