Ask Teto 1: Bread

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Anonymous asks: Teto, Why u like to eat bread? How much do u eat a day?

Are you....asking me why I like to eat bread? Or even why people like to eat bread?

Bread is the food of the gods! Not negi. Not Oranges. Not bananas. Not ice cream. Not tuna or even sake. Why?

You can buy bread anytime! It's cheap and it fills you up!

It saves people's life's! Everything else is expensive!

And not only that!

It has a fresh taste! It's large and can last long. No fridge.

See?! It's better than anything else!

Oh...and I eat about gazillions a day....unless Ted eats it all. Then he gets smacked and gets grounded from reading books or whatever he does. I don't really know.

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