For Aleah

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"Come on, kurt. You have to go, it's the Fair, they do this every year! Who doesn't love fairs?" Blaine says. Every year, before summer break, Dalton has a fair for the students as a 'going away party'. "People who aren't 5 years old on the inside. I'm sorry, Blaine but I can't go. I need to stay here and study. Plus fairs are gross" Blaine looked at him like he offended him. "They are not gross!'' Blaine exclaimed. Kurt raised his brow and stared at his friend. "Um, yes, they are. They are sticky, horrible music, there's nothing to eat except the sorry excuse fried crap they call food, there's people everywhere and the wind will mess up my hair.'' Blaine pouted. "But it's your first fair at dalton! And you study all the time, you should take a little break. Pretty please." Blaine stuck out his bottom lip and looked up at Kurt through his lashes. "Nuh uh. No. Not the puppy dog face. Not gonna work this time, Anderson. But really, you guys have fun and I'll be here when you get back. Then we can go get coffee, if you still want to." Blaine sighed in defeat. "Fine, but I'm bringing you back something." Kurt smiled "Deal." and opened his book.

Blaine always loved going to warbler meetings and this was no different. Except this one was not a typical meeting. The Warblers in practice were strict, all business and totally professional but during this time at Dalton and giving them somewhere to run around, they're 5 year olds on a sugar high. The warblers could barely contain their excitement as they walked the grounds of the field. Some were bouncing up and down, running off, or talking to each other loudly.

They walked across the field into the entrance of the fair, the other warblers dispersed while Wes, David, Thad, Nick, Jeff, Trent and Blaine all stuck together. They headed their way to the tents. Blaine began to look around slowly, watching for something that Kurt would like. "Why are you looking so intensely?" Wes asked as he and David came up to him. "I promised Kurt I'd get him something since I couldn't convince home to come today." Wes and David exchanged a knowing glance. David leaned over to Wes. "he's totally whipped." He whispered. Wes nodded in amusement and watched Blaine walk around the whole tent. They all knew the relationship between Kurt and Blaine. They figured it was only a matter of time before Blaine got his head out of his ass. After what happened with The Gap Attack and Rachel's disaster party, they knew it wasn't long until Kurt gave up on Blaine and moved on. Blaine ended up finding Kurt a small, blue dolphin. Kurt would love it. Blaine remembered Kurt saying how dolphins reminded him of Mckinley for some reason that completely confused him.. Something about Brittany.

A few hours later, they went to all the small shops and most of the tents. Blaine got Kurt another present. It was a blue bracelet that had a 'K' and 'B' on it. A few hours later, they decided they wanted to go back. As they we're walking out, they saw another tent, they didn't see when they walked in. It was purple but there wasn't much else. "I wonder what's in there?" Trent said. Their curiosity got the better of them and they walked towards it. When they got close, the sign on the front said "Gypsy" Cameron, who caught up with them, saw the sign and laughed quietly. "Oh, we gotta see this!" The Warblers shrugged and entered. They weren't ready for what they were about to discover.


As they all entered the tent, they saw a woman sitting at a table with cups lined up in front of her. "Why hello, Dalton Warblers. What would you like to know?" None of them knew what to say, they just looked around helplessly. The Gypsy smiles "Wesly, you could always come back." Wes looked at her shocked, eyes wide and mouth open but didn't say anything. "Nick and Jeff, you guys will be fine." They both looked at each other in relief and smiled softly. Niff worried about what would happen after they left High School. The Woman looked at Blaine and smirked. "Blaine, confused as ever. You need some guidance yourself and it'll come soon enough." She waved the boys over. "Your newest Warbler. Be patient, he'll come around soon enough. But you can never know what he's been through unless you see." She held a cup in front of Blaine. The Warblers were sceptical but each took a sip. The boys felt dizzy and tired. They fell to the floor and their vision went black onto the gurney that would open their eyes and minds.

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