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so hi im y/n im currently in jujutsu academy im a first year and my senpai is gojo satoru he trains me in cursed objects and im best friends with itadori yuji now im currently resting in my dorm after training while the rest go out and train since gojo senpai trains me alone

*knock knock*

y/n; yes??

itadorii; hey y/n

he opened the door and came in

y/n; hey itadori I thought you guys went training ?

itadori; yea but gojo senpai let me off early since he said you didn't look well

y/n; no im fine just abit tired

itadori; you sure you really don't look well

itadori walked over and touched my forehead

itadori; holy shit you have a fever

y/n; ouh really im sure its no big deal its gonna go away soon

itadori; no hold on let me call gojo senpai

y/n; there's really no need yuji im fine-

itadori; gojo senpaiiiiii

y/n; okay then nevermind

gojo; hey yuji whats wrong

itadori; y/n has a fever

gojo; ouh dear I'll go get some towels

y/n; gojo senpai im fine really it will go away soon

gojo; I cant have my precious student sick

gojo said and he disappeared

itadori; anyway I have to go back to training but im sure gojo senpai will take good care of you

y/n; ouh gosh stop it

itadori; hehe alright bye

I have abit of explaining well yuji always says me and gojo senpai are a perfect couple and that he wish we would be together since me and gojo senpai are so close and comfortable with each other but I told him before me and gojo senpai are just senpai and student

gojo; heyyy im back where did yuji go

y/n; he went back to training anyway I said im fine

gojo walked over to me and sat on the bed and touched my forehead

gojo; you are not okay you have a high fever why didn't you tell me

y/n; im sorry I thought it will go away soon

gojo; don't say sorry its not your fault

he took a towel and placed it on my forehead

y/n; anyway aren't you training the others you don't have to be here

gojo; nonsense I have someone cover for me while I take care of you

y/n; are you sure

gojo; positive ok now you rest ill get you some food

y/n; you don't have to I can walk and get my food on my own

I stood up and immediately fell back down but before I reached the ground gojo caught me

gojo; be careful!!! anyways you cant walk so ill get you some food

he helped me back on to the bed and he went out

gosh I feel like such a idiot right now why did I even get butterflies when my senpai caught me he is my senpai not my friend I shouldn't even be feeling like that

y/n; gosh this is so stupid

gojo; what is ?

I looked over at him shocked

y/n; its nothing senpai

gojo; you sure? sorry if I scared you and anyways I told you before that if theres no one around you can just call me gojo remember?

y/n; yea its nothing and I know but I wanna show some respect

gojo; *chuckles* alright alright if you insist here I got you some porridge

y/n; thanks gojo

he smiled at me and held out a spoonful of porridge for me and I ate it

gojo; you got some on your lips

gojo took a tissue and wiped the porridge of my lips and he is WAYY TO CLOSE I moved away and took the tissue

y/n; thanks

gojo; ouh sorry im gonna head out now I need to do some stuffs

I nodded and waved at him when he left


i closed her room's door on the way out she's my student i can't be falling in love with her maybe this few days its better to avoid her to prevent this from getting worse i really need to control myself or she will be in danger



yuji; hey y/n time to wake up we need to go for training

y/n; hmm ok alright ill be there in a sec

yuji went out of the door i took the towel down from my head its still warm and wet im guessing gojo came and changed out the towel at night anyway i better go get ready i went to shower and wore my uniform after and went to find the rest

y/n; hey guys

fushigiro; hey y/n are you feeling better

y/n; yea i am thanks for asking

megumi smiled at me and looked away

gojo; alright now that everyone is here we're going on another field trip

yuji; where are we going senpai?

gojo; we're going back to Tokyo the bus is here lets go

everyone got onto the bus only me and gojo was left i went up and sat down looking out the window expecting gojo to sit beside me but turns out he went to sit beside nobara i looked at him and he didn't even bother to look at me i think megumi saw it so he came over and sat beside me

fushiguro; hey did something happen between you and gojo senpai?

y/n; no why?

fushiguro; well normally he sits beside you

dammit even megumi noticed it

y/n; i bet its nothing uh

i turned and looked away admiring the scenery i kept hearing nobara and gojo laughing tch this is so damn annoying i decided to close my eyes


i can tell y/n is pissed about gojo senpai and nobara sitting together but she choose to ignore it

i just played around with my fingers abit when i felt my shoulder get heavy i looked over and saw that y/n fell asleep on my shoulder haha shes cute when she's sleeping

My Senpai <3 G.SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now