Chapter 15 Victor's POV

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I have to give it to her. She can cook, I wonder what else she's good at because she's ticking all my fucking boxes.
I collect both our empty plates and prewash before putting them into the dishwasher and fill it up with the pots from cooking.
"I could of done that babes. I don't mind" she says getting up with her glass of wine.
"You relax beautiful, I've got this. Go choose another film if you like" I tell her as she comes up behind me and runs her hand down my bare back sending goose bumps along me entire body. Fuck.
"We have dessert for later, but I can turn that into you now" I tell her turning around to face her. She gapes at me smiling and I wink at her making her blush. She scurries of giggling in to the living room and I just chuckle at her. She's so innocent and adorable when it comes to sex. I love it when she blushes too.
Finshing up I wipe the table down throwing the cloth to the sink and grab the bottle of wine with my glass from the table and follow her into the livingroom.
Today's been different for me i normally do my Sundays alone relaxing before work tomorrow but I enjoy her being here with me.

After watching a marathon of films I check my phone and see a text from my dad.

Dad: I need you bright and early tomorrow. I need you to check out something for me. Don't let this girl distract you to much

I stare at my phone and think fucking Kaleb. He went running home and told them. Dick!

Victor: No one's distracting me dad chill out I'll be there.

Hitting send I look over at Stacey next to me with a smile. Is she distracting me? Absolutely not! I enjoy her company more than anything it gets lonely at times living alone.
I watch her as she grabs her vibrating phone and answers it.
"Mia babes, I'm at Victor's why?" she says down the phone and I don't catch what Mia says. All I know is I have no idea why there friends there completely different.
"I'll see you tomorrow then babe love you" she says and hangs up.
"Everything OK?" I ask her and she looks at me.
"Yeah Mia's at mine thinking I was there. It doesn't matter I'll see her tomorrow" she tells me with a smile and looks back at the TV.

"Dessert time love" I tell her seductively and get up to grab the cheese cake I bought for after dinner.
Walking into the kitchen I grab it from the fridge and grab a knife from the drawer.
"Looks delicious" she says coming up next to me as I'm about to slice her some.
"Yeah that's enough jeez" she laughs and grabs plates for us.
Serving up we take it back into the living room and get comfortable pressing play and I start to eat what I've been waiting for since I bought it. Chocolate cheesecake.
"It's so good Victor" she says around mouthfuls and I grin at her. I choose good clearly because she's right.
"When did you want me to go?" she asks breaking off a peice and putting it into her mouth.
"Whenever your ready baby girl just let me know" I tell her feeling like I don't want her to go but I have work tomorrow early as fuck.
"Well if you have work in the morning your gonna want an early night so you can get enough beauty sleep" she says grinning.
"I'd rather sleep with you beautiful" I tell her honestly. My sleepings never been great but with her I sleep like a fucking baby.
"Aww I thought it was just me" she says all shy. She's so fucking cute. I love it.
"Good to know baby girl" I tell her smiling happy that she actually feels the same.
"Are you working all week?" she asks me randomly thinking hard finishing up her cheesecake.
"Yeah always beautiful. But don't worry I'll make time for you after work. I'll want to see you" I tell her making her smile wide. She takes my empty plate and places them both on the coffee table.
"Well good because I'll miss you" she says looking back at me and I think my heart stopped for a second. Fuck what's happening to me?
"Feelings are more than mutual beautiful" I tell her pulling her onto my lap.
She straddles me with her sexy long legs and I grab her face attaching our lips and she melts against me with her hands on my chest.

Getting dressed I check the time and see its nearly seven in the evening and feel a little shit that she's going home.
"I don't want to go" she says quietly but I still heard her. I don't want you to go either beautiful I say to myself. But my dad will rip me a new one if I don't turn up for work.
Watching her as she pulls on a pair of my shorts and t-shirt, I look her over. She looks so fucking hot in my clothes. Fuck I grab at my growing cock and try control it from getting any bigger.
"Ready babe" she tells me grabbing her dress and shoes. She's not seriously walking bare foot. Not when I can carry her. I give her another bag and she puts everything into it and follows me down the stairs.
Grabbing my car keys I open the front door and look at Stacey.
"Come here" I tell her and hand her the house key. She looks at me confused and I pull her into me and pick her up bridal style.
"What are you doing?" she asks giggling.
"Your not walking bare foot baby girl, lock the door" I tell her turning her to do so.
I walk us out to my car looking at her and think this is what I want but I can't tell her yet she might think its too quick..

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