Chapter 16

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After being carried to my door by Victor. I'm finally in my house and speaking with my mum.
"Who's clothes are you wearing?" she asks me raising a brow smirking.
"Victor's mum. Don't start" I tell her grabbing a cigarette and sparking it. I always smoke when shes about to lecture me.
"I'm just saying Stacey, I want you to be careful, you don't want to end up pregnant like I did with a deatbeat father. I want better for you girls. I love you so much" she says and I mentally roll my eyes. It's always the same.
"Mum I know all of this and we're careful don't worry we know what we're doing" I tell her with a smile and she just looks at me.
"I use to say that too now look" she says rolling her eyes and putting out her cigarette. I flick the Ash and think of what to say to get her off my back.
"I think I like him mum. I didn't even want to come home, it's more than just sex OK" I tell her and she smiles sadly at me. What?
"Just be careful please hunny I don't want you getting hurt by another guy" she says and I roll my eyes this time. Of course she's talking a out Liam. Great..
"Mum that was two years ago its not the same. He's not the same trust me OK" I tell her and put out my cigarette getting up. I need to call Mia.
Kissing my mums cheek I get up and make my way to the living room seeing Macey and her friends.
"Look at you wearing his clothes again. Dirty little stop out" she teases and I stick my tongue out at her.
"Don't be jealous. You've seen him" I say walking out and up the stairs.
"I have. He's hot" she calls out after me making me laugh.

Pulling my phone out I sit on my bed and call Mia.
"Hey girl I'm back home. What you doing?" I ask her and she sighs down the phone.
"Marcus keeps ringing me. He wants to meet up" she says and my blood boils is he crazy. He's got some serious issues.
"Absolutely not Mia. Are you crazy" I tell her and she laughs.
"It's just sex Stacey,, I don't want what you have with Victor clearly you guys are loved up already" she mocks and I laugh. I don't know about that.
"It's not like that Mia. I just like him and I don't like no one you know this" I tell her dropping back thinking off him.
"Yeah I know that babe, but remember me and Sian you know your best friends. Don't drop us for him you know" she says and I sigh.
"I know and I won't I just like his company that's all. Come round if you want, I'm just chilling" I tell her and she hmms.
"Yeah I might meet Marcus first then come stay at yours. I'm off college tomorrow" she tells me and I sigh. Everyone's doing something accept me. I need a job.
"Alright I'll see you soon babe. Love you" I say and we hang up.
Pulling my laptop out from under my pillow I log in and go on a few jobsites. I need something with no experience and part time. I scroll through some ridiculous ones and find a few that suit me. Applying, I send off me cv and close the laptop putting it back.
"Whos the mystery guy Stace" Macey asks walking into my room.
"None of your business little one. He's to old for you but you might want to try his little brother" I say laughing and she rolls her eyes at me making me laugh more. She shuts my door storming off and I hear her go into her room next door.
Why's everyone so interested in my life right now?

Laying on my bed bored doing nothing but thinking of Victor I feel my phone vibrate. Looking at it I see a text from him.

Victor: I'm lonely here without you and your scent is everywhere baby girl 😍 X

I smile at his message and text him back.

Stacey: I feel the same just laying here.
I'm still wearing your clothes. 😍😂 X

I hit send and wait for him to reply. Vibration comes and I read what he says.

Victor: Your gonna need to start bringing your clothes with you before you take all mine 😝 not that I mind you look sexy in them X

Hes always flirting. I love it. I quickly type out my response.

Stacey: You'll have to tell me when I'm staying again so I can.. I never know with you 😋 X

Smiling I send the text and put my phone down going to shower quickly.
Stepping into the shower I wash Victor off of me sadly and use my coconut scented cream to lather my body in.
Rinising I repeat and jump out, wrapping my body in a towel. I brush my teeth and make my way back to my room.
Picking up my phone as I sit on my bed I have another text from victor.

Victor: Depends if you like waking up at 6am beautiful because that's me all week until the weekend 😔 X

Well that's a bummer. I'll miss being cuddled up to him and our morning fun.

Stacey: Will I still see you in the week? Saturday is ages away 😅 X

I press send and put on my music through my speakers and begin to dry my body.
Grabbing my cream I moisturize my body and pull on shorts and a t-shirt from my pajamas drawers. This will do.
Laying in my bed I put my laptop underneath the bed and look at my phone.

Victor: I'll see you when ever you want too but I'll call you after work tomorrow baby girl. Goodnight beautiful 😘 X

I smile at the text he's so sweet.

Stacey: OK.. Goodnight handsome 😘 X

I press send and put my phone on the bedside table and get comfortable needing sleep.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now