Chapter One.

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Zoe Fordé (Four-day)

Matthew Espinosa (Es-pin-oh-suh)


Hey guys! Enjoy the first Chapter! Written March 5, 2015.

Zoe's POV

As I walked into the kitchen I looked at the note pad kept on the counter. My mom had left me a message.
"Early day hunny I have to stay the night tonight also, behave & no boys over!!♡" typical mom, never home. My dad and her split up when she got pregnent, the house was almost always just me. I put the note in the trash. I was heading to my friend Gabby's house. I pushed my dirty blonde hair out of my face as I get the access tooth paste off my face. After that I open the door to my garage and grab my long board. I walked it through the house and went in the front, heading to Gabby's house.

She lived on the street, 7, maybe 8 houses down. In seconds I was there, she stood on her porch. Putting my long board in her garage I walked over and sat next to her on the concrete step.

"Taylor has Nash and Matt over" She squels, her brother Taylor Caniff was a attractive, vine famous male who happened to interact with other attractive vine famous males. As if on cue Taylor, followed by two other boys opened the front door and hand motioned us to move over. He walked down and stood infront of us. Matthew, the blonde one, smiled, long time no see.  The other one was Nash, we were friends.

"Hey zo. Look Danny Nash, Matt and I are going to Nash's to swim, wanna come" he offered, eyeing my body, my shorts werent to short and my shirt was just a t-shirt that said "reckless" nothing special about my looks or body.

"Sure" answered Danny. We both ran inside to get out bathing suits on.

"Matthew has gotten cuter" I stated while rambling through her dresser for a matching bikini top. I picked up a bra, I examined it.

"This is mine!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Oopsys" she shrugged her shoulders. I threw it back in the drawer, picking out the matching blue tribal print bikini top to go with the black bottems. Throwing it on, I put a sheer white sundress on top of it.

Finally done, we walked downstairs.

"Oh damn" I heard Taylor mumbled when I went down. Oh no, this dress must be too sheer.

"Cmon Taylor stop trying to get with my girl" she playfully shoved him. He laughed but then did a seductive wink, gross.

"Yay we are taking Taylor's car!" I said in excitment, he owned a lamborghini.

"There arent enough seats, it seats four, not five" Taylor told us.

"Unless someone sits on someones lap" Danny recommended. Hell yeah Danny you go girl!

"Zoe c'mere" I heard a voice behind me, it was matt. He lead me to the car and he got in, he patted his lap to tell me to get on, I did as I was told.

"See man problem solved" Matthew said with a adorable smile.

Before we knew it we were at Nash's house. Nash opened the door smiling.

"Mi casa is ours for the week since my family is out of town" he told us.

Just then a hear noises coming down the stairs. Hayes stood infront of us, "you have me bro" he said.

We laughed. "Go put your trunks on dude we are swimming. He nodded, running back upstairs.

familiar to his home I walked out back, setting my towel down, I pull my dress off. I laid back in the body chairs in relaxation. Finally everyone was outside.

"Cmon Zoe jump" urged Taylor.

I did as told I ran and jumped in, when I came to surface again I felt a pair of strong hands on my waist, it was Matt.

"Thought you might of needed help" he smiled.

"No thank you" I say as I remove his hands and swim over to Zoe who was more then comfy with Nash.

Danny's phone rang, she jumped out of the pool and grabbed it. After a couple minuted she hangs up.

"Talia is coming over alright?" She asked, we all nodded. For a long time we just sat around, Nash grabbed some beer and I was smoking a blunt. We were teenagers, it happens. Talia brought the weed.

I felt tipsy but it was okay. I was 17, almost 18. and so was everyone else.  Everyone was at least 17 too, besides Hayes who only had a beer. Matthew was flirting non-stop with me. His smile was undeniably charming. With that said I couldn't help myself when he asked for my hand and led me inside. Nash did it to Danny too. Taylor probably did with Talia. We all seperated into different room. I couldn't wait to see what happens next.

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