Chapter 18

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"Come sit down" I tell him nervously.
"You seem nervous love" he says chuckling. "I've never done this before" I tell him and walk to the fridge. I pull out the bottle of rosé to go with the dinner and open it pouring us both a glass.
He sits down grinning and I can't help but smile back at him it's infectious.
I serve our food and sit infront of him.
"This looks delicious baby girl" he tells me picking up his cutlery ready to eat.
"Thanks babe, I hope you like it" I say excitedly.
I serve up some of the food on to his plate with two peices of the garlic bread and a side of coleslaw and then repeated the same to my plate just half the size of his portion.
Sitting down I look at him and smile.

"So I was looking for a job and I'm thinking of finding my own place instead, homes good and all that but I need my own space" I tell him as it was him that made my mind up.
"OK, is that something you want to do tho?" he asks me cutting into his food and taking a bite.
"So good" he says after swallowing it. I sip my wine and think about it. Do I want my own place? Yes!
"I would like my own space, it's just the living alone part" I tell him.
"I use to think that, now look I'm living alone and I thought I loved it. Until you came to stay" he tells me looking into my eyes. He's so not the man everyone things he is.
"What are you saying that I should do it?" I ask with a smile.
"I think you should get your own place for now. Then see how it goes you can always come back home" he explains and I can't help but smile.
"Sounds good" I say trying to contain my excitement. He laughs at me and continues to eat.
"This is delicious baby" he tells me finishing up and taking seconds. He eats alot clearly. Good job I cooked alot
"We have dessert aswell" I tell him around mouthfuls. He takes some more of the garlic bread and bites into it.
"Did you make this yourself?" he asks looking at me.
"Yes of course. I can cook Victor" I say raising a brow.
"It's amazing. All of it. I could get use to this" he says taking more bites.

We talk about his day at work and what projects he's doing next and what he's just finished. Construction sounds like a good job for him. I'm practically working on myself. That's it.
Finishing up with dinner I take his plate and wrap the rest of the food for mum and Macey for later.
"Dessert?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Depends if I can eat it off you" he says licking his lips watching me.
"It's just ice cream so you tell me" I tell him looking over my shoulder seductively.
"Soon let's just relax baby girl" he says and I think he ate to much. Laughing I put the plate into the sink and soak them ready to wash.

Laying on the sofa between Victor's legs as we laugh and joke over the Big Bang Theory.
"I love Sheldon, he's hilarious" I tell him trying to stop laughing.
"I knew someone like that. There not fun" he tells me shaking his head chuckling. I look over at him frowning.
"I'd of loved him" I say with a smile looking back at the TV.
"Marcus met Mia last night" he suddenly says and I nod my head watching the TV still.
"I know he keeps calling her asking for sex. I told her not to but she never listens" I tell him and he chuckles.
"He was bragging all day about her, it did my fucking nut in" he says making me laugh.
"I haven't spoken to her today I slept late after a terrible night's sleep and I've been busy shopping" I tell him and he hums.
"I thought it was just me, I missed you being there" he says quietly and I spin in his arms. Smiling at him I connect out lips feeling the butterflies swarm my stomach and a ache down there. I need him.

Cuddling and kissing and his hands are touching me everywhere.
"So sexy baby girl" he groans and it's so sexy. I blush at him and smile. I lean back in to kiss him sliding my tongue into his hot mouth. He tastes so good I love it.
"I want to be inside of you baby girl" he whispers into my ear before nuzzling my neck, he sucks and licks leaving his mark and I open more giving him access. Moaning softy I open my legs needing just as much.

Waking up stretching my body to feel Victor not there. Weird where is he it's still kind of dark.
I check my phone and see it flashing 3:00am. Where is he? Throwing my legs over the side of the bed I stand up and make my way to the bathroom grabbing a robe on the way.
I do my business and wash my hands, drying them quickly on a towel.
I walk down the stairs to the living room not seeing him.
Where did he go? I walk back up the stairs and find a note.

Sorry I had to leave you beautiful but I couldnt stay over. I'll call you tomorrow and you owe me an ice cream.
sleep tight
V xx

Looking at the note I smile knowing that he has work in a few hours. When did he leave? When did I even fall asleep?
Putting the note back on my side table I climb back into my bed and curl up smelling Victor's aftershave on my pillow and drift back off to sleep.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now