Chapter 19 Victor's POV

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Waking up to my alarm going off is never a fun way to wake up. I miss the beautiful woman that was lying in my arms not so long ago.
Sitting up I stretch my body and grab my phone. Deciding on to text her quickly.

Victor: Morning beautiful. I hope you got my note. Sorry about running out on you. I'll make it upto you promise 😍 X

Rereading it I think, is the emoji to much? But just send it anyways.
Putting my phone down I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom still feeling tired.
Switching on the shower, I strip out my boxers and throw them into the wash basket and step in.
Letting the hot walk wake me up I scrub at my face and run my hands through my hair.
Grabbing my wash gel I squirt some onto a sponge and lather it up on my body.

Standing infront of my wardrobe after my morning routine I grab my work clothes and pull on some boxers.
Finding my belt and checking I have everything in it for the days work. I know it's going to be a hard long day.
Fixing my hair I look myself over in the mirror and think fuck it.
Walking out I make my way down stairs and put some bread into the toaster and put the kettle on.
Making a coffee quickly I sit at the table and think of the dinner I had with Stacey here. She's constantly playing on my mind. Her long legs wrapped around my waist, her sexy laugh and the way she blushes when I call her beautiful or baby girl. Shit.
The toast pops up and I grab the butter spreading it and put it back with the knife left on the sink till I'm done.

Locking up my house I make my way to my car and climb in. Pulling on my seat belt I start the engine and check the dashboard clock. It blinks 7:30 at me and I sigh out. This shits getting earlier I say to myself shaking my head and pulling off.
Stopping off at a café to meet Kai and Marcus I jump out and make my way inside seeing them. I grab another coffee and a fry up and then walk over to them.
"Your grinning. You seen her last night didn't you" Kai says and I look at Marcus rolling his eyes.
"I don't know why. You've hit it.. Drop her already before it's to late" he tells me and I sit down next to Kai and look at Marcus.
"Firstly. I'm not you I don't do that. And secondly no one asked for you opinion of what I do with Stacey. OK" I say to Marcus annoyed. He always has to spoil my Stacey buzz.
"It's alright man. I'm picking Sian up later. I'm taking her out on a date too. I really like her aswell" Kai says quietly to me and I can't help but smile. She seems like a good girl like my Stacey. My Stacey? Whoa
"Good for you man. You treat her like she deserves, don't be listening to this cunt" I tell Kai and he laughs.
"I know, I've got this all planned out don't worry. You know I'm nothing like him" Kai tells me and Marcus sniggers.
"Listen you two are just pussy whipped. You need to leave them hoes in the past and move on like I have" he says and me and Kai look at him I feel my fist starting to clench and my jaw tick.
"Dont ever say that again. You hear me!" I stress at him. How fucking dare he.
He shrugs his shoulders and goes quiet.
Good he knows I'll fuck him up.
Our food arrives and we eat in a uneasy silence. Kai looks to me and I just shake my head not in the mood now. Fucking Marcus!

Arriving at work I see my dad and nod my head as I drive onto the construction site.
"You alright this morning. You was distracted yesterday. I told you about this son. She's not worth it" he says and I begin to get annoyed now.
"How the fuck do you know? You've never met her. You don't know shit!" I spit angrily and walk off. I've had enough and it's not even 9 o'clock yet. I pull my phone out finding a text from her.

Stacey: Hey handsome, yeah I got it thanks for letting me know.. I missed you tho. Have a good day at work don't think of me too much 😍 X

I instantly smile and feel alot better. No woman can do that except her. She's worth it all.

Victor: Having a bad morning beautiful. Can I come around X

I hit send hoping she says yes and I can bury myself inside of her.
Walking back to my car taking off my hard hat I climb in and throw it to the passenger seat and see my phone ringing.
"Hello baby girl" I say as I answer and pull on my seat belt again.
"No ones in come round I'll leave the door open for you to let yourself in" she says to me in a seductive voice and I know what she wants. Me.
"Im on my way beautiful, I won't be long see you soon" I tell her and we hang up.
Reversing out the site I turn and speed off in the direction of Stacey's house glad that she's alone. I wonder what she's doing to be leaving the door open for me.

Pulling up outside her house I take a deep breath and shut off the engine. What awaits me behind that door? I thought taking off my belt looking around. I climb out the car and lock it up walking up to her door I try it and it is open like she said.
"Baby girl?" I call out closing and locking the door behind me.
"Come up here" she shouts back and I brace myself for what I'm about to see.

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