Chapter 20

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Laying on my bed in a denim blue and dimonte lingerie set and my hair down straight with my make up done. I hope he likes it.

Hearing walking up the stairs my door suddenly opens and he stops there stunned

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Hearing walking up the stairs my door suddenly opens and he stops there stunned.
"Fuck baby girl" he says grabbing his dick. I bite my lip watching him grow looking at me all over and I blush.
"You look perfectly sexy" he tells me closing the door behind him.
"I'm glad you like it" I tell him proudly and start to get up on to my knees.
"I love it baby girl you look so fucking sexy" he says grabbing my ass.
"All mine" he growls and I run my hands down his tshirt. He looks hot in work clothes.
"Your wearing to many clothes Victor" I tell him and he quickly pulls his tshirt over his head and unbuttons his trousers dropping them to the floor. Kicking them off he stands there in his boxers with a glorious hard on that's all mine. He pulls me closer and connects our lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and he forcefully pulls me closer sliding his tongue into my mouth.
"All mine" he says grabbing ahold of my body pulling away.
He unclips my bra and pulls down my underwear quickly needing me naked.
He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I can feel his hardening cock against the entrance of my pussy and I whimper wanting him to fill me. He lifts me up and slides into me in one swift motion. I gasp out feeling stretched full and dig my nails into his shoulder blades. Sitting on the edge of the bed he positions me on his lap grinning. I slowly start to slide down his shaft slipping him in further.
"Fuck baby" he grits out as I start to ride him slowly. I build up the speed needing him to fuck me aswell. So I push down and he slips down falling to the floor and his cock slams into me. HARD.
"Shit" I cry out as he hits my sweet spot.
"FUCK baby, I'm sorry, you OK?" he asks worryingly looking me over. I grind down on him nodding my head.
"Yes" I moan wanting more, I rock my hips back and fourth as he slides his hand down and rubs my clit at the same pace.
"Yes baby" I call out sounding strangled as he squeezes my throat fucking into me, my climax builds and it feels so intense he's deeper than he's ever been and I feel oh so fucking full..
"Victor!" I scream out as I climax on his tbrobbing cock riding him faster. He pinches my clit and sends me over the edge again. I feel him tense up underneath me as I cletch around him and he comes inside me, groans escaping his lips with a pleasurable face.
"Shit" I say panting hard trying to catch my breath. We're going to end up fucking ourselves to death.
I sit on him looking into his eyes smiling not being able to control these strong emotions I'm having.
"I like you Victor, like alot" I tell him honestly and he just stares at me. Fuck!
"I've been having this debate with everyone, since I met you, you've been on my mind and I can't fucking consentrate. I need to be inside you always that's all I think about, is your sweet pussy Stacey. I love it. But I like you aswell it's not just sex" he says and my heart melts. He actually said it.
"I need you to fuck me again. Hard" I tell him standing up on shaky legs. He smirks at me and gets up off the floor.
"I can do that love" he says and spins me bending me over to kneel on my bed. Suddenly he slams into my wet pussy and pulls my arms behind my back.
"So fucking perfect" he says pounding into me. I'm a moaning mess and I just let him fuck me how I asked.
"Yes!" I cry out as he grips my throat and fucks me into the bed hard and rough.
"Take it all baby girl" he groans and I feel his cock swell inside me.
"I'm so close baby" I moan and he let's go of my throat and slaps my ass. Fuck that shit sent tingles through me. And again and again.
"Victor baby" I scream as I come harder than I have in my life. I need this.
He fucks me deeper and growls out.
"Fuck baby!" he says through clenched teeth as I feel him come.
He pulls out of me after he finishes and pulls me up holding me close.
"Let's shower beautiful" he says then kisses me.

"We're going to have dinner victor" I tell him being serious about it. He looks at me with a sulking face and I roll my eyes at him playfully and he just laughs at me walking over to the sink. I serve the plates when we've both washed our hands and he's sat down at the table.
Opening a bottle of water I drink from it and hand Victor one.

"More dinners, with you" he says and I smile at him sitting down. I only made a quick pasta bake after we had a shower together but he seems to be happy with it. He's so perfectly made for me. I pick up my cutlery and start to eat my dinner but I can feel his eyes burning into me. 
"Whats wrong?" I ask him wondering why the hell he's staring so hard at me. 
"Your so beautiful" he tells me reaching out for my hand. I blush looking at him not being able to pull my eyes from his. 
"Th-Thankyou" I stutter not knowing what to say to his compliment. I smile at him and we start to eat our food with comfortable light conversation. He tells me about his morning and not knowing what to do with Marcus.

"That was amazing baby girl, I could get used to this seriously" he says as I collect his plate, slapping my ass as I walk past.
"Hmm I bet you could" I tease him as I walk away swaying my hips. Seduction is totally his thing.

"This was what I needed" he tells me sitting next to me on the sofa. My heart swells and I get swarms of butterflies. 
"Me all to yourself?" I say cocky with a smirk and he chukles.
"Just you beautiful" he says smiling.
"You know, I do need to be going back" he says as he sucks on my sweet spot. He's making me want to keep him here but he really needs to go. His hands are up the back of my t-shirt caressing my skin sending little sparks through my body. Stupid fucking work I complain to myself. I just want him to stay here, with me in his arms.
But I can't..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now