Chapter 22

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Sitting on my bed back at home I pull my phone out and text Victor.

Stacey: I have some good news X

I hit send and wait for a reply. I take off my shoes and lay on my bed. I can't believe I got a job. I hope Victor's gonna be proud of me too. It's the first step of moving out and getting my independence I'm an adult after all.
Calling Mia I put the phone to my ear and wait.
"Miaaaa" I scream down the phone excited.
"What isit babe. What's happened?" she asks
"I got a job, I just had the interview" I tell her smiling.
"Oh my god babes that's great, where isit?" she asks me
"Goods bakery, the place we use to always go after school" I tell her remembering the good times.
"We should celebrate babes what about cocktails later?" she asks and I hear my phone beep quietly telling me I have a text.
"One minute babe I've got a message" I tell her looking at my phone.

Victor: I was thinking we could go on another date maybe to the cinema this time? What's the good news beautiful? X

"Victor wants to take me out on a date, can we take a rain check babe?" I ask her knowing she's about to whine.
"It's OK. I'll do something else. Call me later babes" she says and we hang up.
I text Victor back quickly.

Stacey: I'd love to, I'm ready when you are. I'll tell you when I see you X

"Stacey, come down here I'm baking a cake for you, but it's going wrong sweetie" she calls from the bottom of the stairs.
Laughing I get up and run down the stairs.
"Mum you have no idea how much baking I'll be doing" I tell her rolling my eyes.
"You know I try baby" she says with a sad smile.
"I know you do, but you don't need to. I'm happy, your happy. No cake needed" I tell her and she hugs me.
"I'm so proud of you, now go and have some fun don't worry about me" she says ushering me back upstairs to what I was doing.

Grabbing my phone answering it to Victor.
"Hey you" I say seductively.
"Hello beautiful. Are you ready I'm on my way to you now" he says and I perk up looking at my watch it's six o'clock already wow.
"I'm ready baby. Come get me" I tell him
"I'll be there soon baby girl" he says and we hang up. I apply a gloss to my lips and fluff my hair up giving it some volume.
Putting my shoes back on I grab some cash from my box and put in into my purse.
Making my way down stairs I hear a knock at the door.
"I'll get it, I'm going out mum" I call out rushing to the door.
Swinging it open I see a handsome Victor standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Oh my god.
"Hello beautiful" he says kissing me and handing me the flowers.
"There stunning baby, thank you" I tell him and take them into my mum.
He follows me in and waits while I hand them to my mum.
"Can you put these in some water for me please" I ask her blushing happily.
"Wow there something Stacey. He's a keeper" she says with a smile. I hand them over and say my good byes leaving with Victor.

"So the news?" Victor asks me as he pulls off glancing back at me.
"Oh yeah, I got a job" I tell him excitement coming back again.
"That's amazing beautiful. I'm proud of you baby girl" he says and I blush again.
"Thanks babe. It's just at a bakery in town" I tell him and he glances back at me.
"Goods bakery?" he asks smiling.
"Absolutely, you know it?" I ask him smiling.
"Absolutely. I go there alot for the lads at work, they've got a sweet tooth so you'll be seeing me in there often aswell beautiful" he tells me rubbing a hand on my thigh and gently squeezing it.
"I'll look forward to seeing you" I say rubbing my hand along his thigh too.

Pulling up at the cinemas we make our way inside and he books our tickets while I get popcorn and other snacks.
"You ready, it's this way baby" he tells me escorting me to the room.
Finding a seat at the back on our own we settle in and wait for the credits to roll for the film to start.

Snacking on popcorn the film finally starts and I feel his hand skirt up my leg and between my thighs. Slapping his hand away he chuckles and kisses my neck. Is he really wanting to 'do something' in here.
"Victor" I whisper shout at him.
He chuckles again and I grab his hardened cock. Fuck!
I unbotton his jeans and I shove my hand down his boxers and grab it tightly.
"Is this what you want" I ask him rubbing it back and fourth slowly. He groans and looks at me with pure lustful eyes.
"I always want you baby" he says and spreads my legs again. Sliding his hand up my thigh he pushes his fingers into my underwear and rubs my clit in circles.
"Mmmm" I moan quietly enjoying the feeling of him touching me.
"You like that baby?" he growls into my ear pushing in two fingers.
"Fuck!" I cry out and he covers my mouth quickly.
"Shhh baby" he tells me into my ear.
He carries on fingering me and I grip his dick with my right hand tugging onit faster.
"Fuck baby girl, slow down" he groans and I can't his fingers are going so fast and I can't control the shaking of my legs
"Victor, I'm gonna come" I cry out and he hooks his fingers and pushes on my gspot.
"Babyyyy" I moan lowly biting on my hand as I come.. In the fucking cinema.
He pulls his fingers out and sucks them clean. I look around and see nobody around us and pull his dick out and swallow him.
"Fuck baby, just like that" he says fucking out my mouth. I bob my head rapidly on his dick and suck it swirling my tongue eager for him to come.. Wanting to taste him now!
"I'm close beautiful" he tells me and I suck faster and deeper working my hand in with my mouth and I feel his dick swell in my mouth. Shit he's gonna come now. I tell myself sucking more wanting it.
"Babyyyy" he grits out and I feel the first shot of cum hit the back of my throat. I swallow it down and take the rest of it as it streams down my throat in thick ropes.
I sit back up licking my lips and looking at him grinning.
"Your a bad girl baby" he tells me and kisses me gently.
"You make me like this baby" I whisper to him blushing in the darken room.
"I love it beautiful. Let's finish the film" he tells me and I rest my head on his shoulder snuggling in.
What is happening to me?

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now