Chapter 23 Victor's POV

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Walking out the cinema grinning with my baby girl, I open the car door for her and help her into the car.
Walking around I think of what we've just done and how she let me do that to her in a public place.
"Have you done that before beautiful?" I ask her as I get in the car.. She just looks at me confused.
"What we just did in there. Was it the first time?" I say elaborating.
"Absolutely. What do you take me for" she says looking at me raising a brow.
"I just thought you was so good in there baby. I'm glad you haven't tho" I tell her hoping to not kill the night with my shit thoughts.
"Have you done it before Victor?" she asks staring at me. I shake my head at her
"No baby just you, I promise" I tell her honestly and she smiles relaxing a little.
"Shall we go back to mine or you want to go home?" I ask her and she sighs.
"I have work at eleven tomorrow, so I should go home and get a goods night sleep I'll text you before I start work" she says to me smiling. I pull off and head in the direction of her house.
"So you're planning on moving out now you've got a job?" I ask her as I glance back at her and back to the road.
"Yeah definitely, I have alot saved already I just need to look for a place" she tells me as I pull up outside her house.
"I need to tell you something too, it's been playing on my mind" I tell her and I don't know if she's about to freak or just be cool and do something about it.
"OK. What isit?" she asks spinning looking at me.
"Remember when I came around yesterday and you was all dressed up and my mind was just completely on you, remember that when I tell you this. I just wanted you baby" I tell her but she looks at me squinting.
"Just spill it Victor, what did you do?" she says and I sigh out looking out the window.
"We didn't use a condom baby, I'm so sorry" I tell her grabbing her hand and she freezes staring at me.
"You didn't fucking what?" she yells at me and pulls her hand away.
"Are you completely stupid Victor. Shit" she says grabbing her bag and getting out the car. I jump out following her to the door.
"Baby, it's OK. We can sort it. You can take the morning after pill or something I'm sorry" I say and she just looks at me.
"I'll see you soon Victor. Goodnight" she says and shuts the door on me. Fuck! I pace and I kick my car tire and walk around jumping in. I smack the steering wheel and speed off fucking pissed. She can't stay mad at me for long surely.

I make my way to my parent house and pull up outside. Taking a deep breathe I climb out the car and walk up the path and open the front door.
"It's just me" I call out and walk into the kitchen.
"Victor baby, what's wrong?" my mum asks me looking me over.
"Nothing mum" I say sitting down at the dining table. She puts the kettle on and makes me a cup of coffee.
"Talk to me son. What's happened you look like hell" she says and I raise a brow.
"I did something stupid mum. Now she's pissed and I don't know if she's actually going to talk to me again" I tell her knowing she won't stop untill I tell her.
"What did you do Victor? Is she pregnant?" she asks and that's the last word I want to hear right now.
"I hope not. But.. I forgot to use a condom and now she's pissed at me" I say embarrassed having this conversation with my mum. But I can't with anyone else.
"Aww sweetie, she'll be fine she's just you know shocked. If you normally use one then this time you didn't that's why she's probably pissed. Give her time she'll come around.. You really like this girl don't you" she says and I nod putting my head in my hands.
"Baby it's gonna be OK. She's nothing like that bitch by the sounds of things. Atleast you know she's not trying to trap you like she tried baby" she says and puts a cup of coffee infront of me. I look up at her and she's smiling down at me. She runs her hand up and down my back comforting me.
"Thanks mum, I love you" I tell her with a sad smile.
"I love you too, my precious first baby" she says like she always does.
"What's up bro, what you doing here. Thought you'd be with that girlfriend of yours dad keeps banging on about" Kaleb says walking into the kitchen.
"Shut up you, leave your brother alone" my mum tells him and he slaps my back sitting down.
"I haven't seen you since that day at yours. How's it going?" Kaleb asks and I sigh again not knowing what to say.
"Don't worry about me bro I'm good. Just focus on school and working with dad" I tell him with a smile.
"Yeah well you know where I am bro. I got you" he says and gets up leaving us alone.
My mum tuts and shakes her head.
"What am I going to do with you Victor. Just talk to her there's so many things she can do these days. When did it happen?" she asks me sitting down.
"Yesterday" I tell her knowing where this is going next.
"When you walked out of work? You went and had unprotected sex, you little.." she pauses and sighs.
"Just talk to her it was only yesterday hunny it can be fixed if you want it to be" she tells me and I nod agreeing.
"Yeah mum, I hope your right. I really like her" I tell her picking up my coffee.

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