Chapter 24

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Sitting on my bed wide awake feeling shit. As soon as Victor told me he didn't use a condom I got myself to the late-night chemist and grabbed the morning after pill. What was he even thinking. Well I know what he was but yeah. Seriously men!
It's 6 o'clock in the fucking morning and it's my first day at work and I'm already having a bad day. Looking at my phone again I see a text from Victor.

Victor: Morning beautiful. I'm sorry, talk to me please baby girl 😔 X

I reread the text and feel shit for taking it out on him but he needs to be fucking careful. What if I got pregnant and he did a runner like my mum said. I can't be like her and have a dead beat baby father. I want more for myself and my child.. When I have one.
I climb out of bed knowing I'm not going to get any more sleep and make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Finishing up getting dressed for my first day, I check the time and see its nearly eight o'clock. Well I still have three fucking hours. God sake.
Walking down the stairs I make my way into the kitchen and start making breakfast for Macey as she has school today and my mum only got home not long ago from work so I'll leave her to sleep.
I fry some sausages, and bacon and put them onto plates then scramble some eggs and put some bread into the toaster.
Stirring the eggs and beans I hear Macey come down the stairs.
"Hey sissy" she says chipper this morning.
"Hey, breakfast is nearly ready" I tell her and start to plate up the food for both of us.
"So how's your boyfriend going" Macey asks smiling and I sigh heavily.
"Not so good Mace" I tell her with a sad smile.
"Oh my god he's hot as hell and you ruined it Stace" she says putting down her cutlery.
"I didn't ruin it. He did Macey. And it's got nothing to do with you so stay out of it" I warn her knowing she loves to medel.
"OK. I'll leave it to you but sort it Stacey" she tells me and I wonder why shes so bummed about this.
"I'll talk to him OK" I tell her eating my food.

After finishing my breakfast I said bye to Macey and now I sit in the living room contemplating texting Victor. I miss him already. Pulling out my phone I scroll and send his a quick text.

Stacey: Hey, I think we should talk after I've finished work are you free? X

I hit send and sigh hoping he hasn't given up on me. Not another one.
After waiting around I realise he isn't going to reply yet and run upstairs to grab my coat and bag to make my way back door and out the door.
Ordering myself an uber I wait on my doorstep for it to come and see a familiar face drive past. Liam fucking Johnson. What a fucking dick. My Uber pulls up and I climb in and he pulls off to my destination.

Arriving at work I climb out the car and thank the driver quickly.
Walking into the bakery I see Anne behind the counter and I give her a little wave.
"Hi, where do you want me?" I ask her positively excited to start. She chuckles at me and points to the back.
"I need you to show me your baking skills hun" she says smiling and I walk behind the counter and put on the apron she hands me. Hanging up my coat and bag I tie my hair up and wash my hands.
"Right hun, I need a batch of chocolate chip cookies, scones and cupcakes, can you do that?" she asks me raising a brow challenging me.
"Absolutely" I tell her and begin with the cookies.

After making all bathches I put them into the oven and turn the temperature to what they need to be on each oven.
"Done Anne, what's next?" I ask her and she looks at me surprised.
"Oh right hun, can you serve some customers for me please it's getting busy" she asks and I quickly wash my hands again drying them on a paper towel.
I make my way back to the front of the shop.
"Hi welcome to Goods bakery, what can I get you?" I ask the old lady smiling up at me.
"A box of your jam donuts please sweetie" she says and I pull out a box and fill it with four jam donuts for her. Closing the box I hand it over to her and she hands me change to count out.
"I gave you the right amount hun" she says as I check it.
"She's just new Iris, don't worry she's just doing her job" Anne tells the lady with the donuts.
"Thanks darling, see you again" Iris says and walks out the shop.
I serve another handful of customers and I hear the timer beep letting me no my baking goods are ready.
"Go get them out hun" Anne tells me and I rush over to the ovens pulling on the mits and take out the food.
Oh my god, there perfect the cookies are soft and look delicious the cupcakes have risen to perfection and the scones look incredible.
"They look amazing hun well done" she tells me and starts to taste all of them.
"Wow Stacey, who learnt you to bake like this?" she says taking another bite.
"All by myself. I take it you like them" I say chuckling with a grin happily.
"I love them, let's get them out to the customers. I'm going to need more of these" she says pointing to the cupcakes.
"Right I'll get onit" I tell her and wash my hands again.

After a long first day at work I check my phone finally and see a text from Victor..

Victor: I'm always free to see you beautiful. Give me a time and a place and I'll be there X.

I smile at the text and decide to text back.

Stacey: Come to mine when you've finished work I'm on my way soon X

I put my phone back into my bag and get back to work.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now