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When the preexisting forces that formed The Before raged in a dangerous battle for power, The Keepers used their last remnants of power to put it under control. With their dying breaths, they joined their forces and contained the chaotic energy of The Before into an orderly, controlled core known as The Source.

To secure the safety of The Source, a being known as The Creator was born. With the power to control the vital energy that formed the core, The Creator was capable of keeping the perfect balance between The Good and The Evil.

Under The Creator’s gentle care, The After was formed from the energy that encompassed The Source. Galaxies and Systems were formed, with planets and the first remnants of life appearing. The Source ran deep through everything in existence and the combination of The Good and The Evil lived in peace for centuries to come.

But as it was, The Source didn’t grant eternal life. The Creator would reach the end of their existence in due time and without The Creator, The Source was in danger of breaking into chaos again.

A council was formed by The Creator, the members carefully chosen to protect the long and peaceful existence of The Source, These members were known as The Elders, a group of celestial beings that held abilities similarly, but not equal, to The Creator. Once The Creator’s vital energy returned to The Source, The Elders were to appoint two worthy individuals, The Chosen with the right qualities to keep the balance in place. One, with a pure heart and a gentle soul, was to keep peace in The Good, while the other, with a tenacious attitude and firm ideals, would be in charge of The Evil.

For millions of years, The Elders were genuine and responsible in their task, and The Good and The Evil were maintained and peace reigned across The Source. But a deadly poison slowly intoxicated the society created, and the subsequent generations of The Elders were corrupted by the need for control and power. No longer was the balance of The Source the priority and the decisions made by The Elders focused on their own personal interests.

The Elders ensured they could hold tight control over the representatives chosen for The Good and The Evil. No longer were the individuals chosen solely for the values The Creator had sought once. While everyone chosen was adequate, The Elders also found ways of controlling and repressing the liberties of the chosen. And when the control wavered, The Elders made sure to end the chosens’ time and found ways to return their vital energy to The Source.

The corruption grew as the living beings of the Universe gained intelligence and independence. The Elders used them as a way to intensify the power they held and kept them as leverage for The Chosen.

Unease and unrest rose amongst the celestial beings, who questioned the integrity of The Elders. But The Elders made sure to eliminate anyone that went against them, defending their actions with claims of betrayal to The Creator and The Source.

As life in the planets created by The Source grew, the balance became more fragile and The Chosen were tasked with an even bigger responsibility. No longer would they only secure the safety of the Universe, they would now have to punish and reward accordingly. The Elders used this to their advantage, influencing the beliefs and the actions of the living to ensure their own power would continue to grow.

As such, groups formed across the Universe, believers of higher beings with powers unimaginable to a mortal. Cults grew and turned into religions and the word of holy beings spread across the masses. The concept of sin and values came to exist based on the mortals’ perception of The Good and The Evil...Or so it was believed, though many of the rules established by mortals were heavily influenced by The Elders and their wish to control The Source and The Chosen.

With time, The Chosen received various names, and the idea of Heaven and of Hell formed in the minds of the living, places that resembled the abodes where the Chosen overlooked their duties over The Good and The Evil.

Cruelty was soon started to be implemented and even The Chosen commenced to abide by the rules and the values that The Elders ingrained in the mortals’ lives. ‘God’ and ‘Lucifer’ came to be and many believed they were in constant war. And while that held a sliver of truth in it since The Good and The Evil had been in constant conflict during The Before, it wasn’t the same during The After.

Or so was what The Creator once hoped for to secure the stability of The Source.

Sadly, as corruption continued to grow, The Elders twisted The Creator’s beliefs and ideals until the ancient set of laws was ‘lost’ in the endless abyss that formed the Universe.

The Elders continued to rule with twisted ideals that spread through the generations that followed, each new member chosen specifically from the ranks trained and prepared by The Elders themselves to maintain the power in a close-knit group of individuals that would guarantee the maintenance of the ideals that past groups of The Elders had built though the millennia.

But many saw through the scheme despite The Elders’ efforts. In the shadows of The Afterlife realm, servants of The Good and The Evil joined forces in silences, preparing gradually for the restoration of The Creator’s values and the destitution of the corruption that had intoxicated The Elders. Heaven and Hell worked in unity, passing information and remaining vigilant of The Chosen and the abuse they inadvertently received from The Elders. Somehow, through unconventional means and in a manner unimaginable for The Creator, The Good and The Evil created an alliance that ran for the centuries to come, carefully planning and preparing for the inevitable uprising that was to rise…

... Hopeful that the retake wouldn’t destroy the core of The Source that had been carefully crafted at the beginning of time.

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