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Um, the previous info chapter sounded more like a rant so... 😐

About this book, I was going to write it after I finish my exams but I think I'm going to postpone it even further because I want to write my Wu Chang story. Sorry, the Wu Chang story is mainly for me and I'm keeping it in my drafts, but if people want to read it then I'll consider making it public.

It's just some typical bl C drama plot where the two secretly gay guys that don't know that they're gay go on some sort of random journey to save the world and then something bad happens to one of them so the other has to risk their life to help them kind of thing, so it's probably not really interesting, but I just don't see enough fanfics of them and I want- I just want them to get married 🥺 All the couples never explicitly get together at the end of those dramas and it annoys the heck out of me. I know, censorship and everything but still. Come on, Chinese government... They can't even hold hands or something? Not even a kiss on the forehead??

Anyways, I'm also writing it to make myself cry since you know... Fan dies and all that. I really like making myself cry, I don't know. It's painful to see the world going against them when they love each other so much and there's just nothing they can do to change it, but that's also why I find it so... Beautiful? Like, they're willing to go against the whole world just to be with each other and that is just- 😗👌 Mwah, chef's kiss.

The WC story is just going to be even more boring because I'm writing it in a novel style, not my usual script style, like I'm going mega huge chunky paragraphs like these right now.

What I mean is this book won't have its first chapter in quite a while. I have written the first three chapters already but I just don't feel like posting them until I get everything else done, especially that Wu Chang book that's been neglected for the past few decades. I read one, JUST ONE, fanfic of them and it didn't even have that many chapters so I need to do this for my own satisfaction.

I'm so incredibly sorry to all those that might be waiting for me to finally start this thing, I'm sort of procrastinating as well.

Okay, I think that's enough about me and my crazy C drama addiction and my laziness. I'll try my best to finish the Wu Chang book as fast as possible so I can get onto doing this one.

I highly recommend The Untamed and Word of Honor (it has WC in there but they don't get a lot of screen time) to any c drama fans. Those are the bl ones, Ashes of Love is a pretty good hetero one. 👍

Okay, see y'all in a few years.

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