Chapter 1:

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Grace POV
So I like them but I'm not like the other girls who freak out over them. I'm Grace Harper. I have blue eyes that's change periodically from gray to blue to green at random. Normally what I'm wearing or feeling.
My uncle Paul had gotten me a behind the scenes pass for a One Direction concert. Before I continue I should tell you my Uncle is the head lighting guy so... anyway
I was waiting in the back alone when I heard the music stop and the thousands of girls in the crowd screaming. Goodness I thought. I heard someone say
"Thank you for coming everyone! And good night!"
The crowd started screaming again. I straightened and shoved my hands in my pockets. In walked the five cutest boys I've ever seen. I don't normally think that or say that even by they were they looked to be about my age (17). I didn't really pay attention to them which is why I was so surprised and their pure adorableness.
"Whoa. Hello miss." One of the boys said to me. He had deep brown very very curly hair. He had the most gorgeous green eyes I had ever seen.
"Oi curly. Leave the poor girl alone." Another one said shoving the one he called curly out of the way. This one was even more adorable then the last. He had light brown side swept hair with gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous, blue eyes.
"Ummmm." Was all I could get out. Gosh dang Grace. Ummm?! I was interrupted out of my thoughts when the sweet little baby faced boy with the bleached blonde hair and the cutest blue eyes ever. He had an adorable Irish accent. The other two I had met, well "met" had British accents. The brown eyes one was from Yorkshire obviously and I wasn't sure about "curly" over there.
"Hello there miss." The Irish one said. "It seems to me you don't know who we are... you don't right?"
I nodded my head.
"Ok that's what I thought. Well I am Niall Horan." He extended his hand out. I took it and said
"Hi I'm Grace Harper. My uncle is the lighting guy."
"Oh cool." Niall responded.
The curly one walked over again.
"Hello." He said. "I'm Harry Styles. Your eyes remind me of glistening dewdrops did ya know that?" I took his extended hand.
"Yes thank you I did know that. Now if you please stop flirting with me." His eyes took on a hurt puppy look.
"Ok I'm sorry but seriously stop." He put his hands up in surrender and backed off.
"Ok now that Hazzas out of the way I'm Louis Tomlinson." I dazedly took his hand and shook it. Wow he was so cute. He was just... there isn't a word to describe how amazing he is. He caught my eyes and I felt myself blush as he winked at me. No. I mentally slapped myself.
Another one of the boys came up to me. He also had lightish brown side swept hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. I didn't feel the way I did when Louis shook my hand but hey they were all cute.
"Hi I'm Liam Payne." He said as I took his hand. I started rating them in my head.
Or maybe Liam would go over Harry... eh whatever. There was one more boy and... oh man he was amazing. He had gorgeous black locks that were just a mess. He had deep deep brown eyes that I just wanted to sink into. He side smiled at me and I blushed. I stuck my hand out and said.
"Grace Harper. And you are?" I asked. He took my hand and said as he straightened.
"Zayne Malik." I nodded. "Ok now we all know each other."
"Now we just need your number miss." Harry said playfully.
"Ok A buddy I just met you B I think we all would be good friends. Maybe we could get together some time." Louis and Zaynes faces brightened.
"The boys and I are having a movie night tomorrow night. Wanna come??" Louis blurted. Liam looked like he wanted to face palm. The other boys looked excited. I feel like Harry would be a trustworthy friend (maybe) Louis and zayne... well I like them both. I am definitely more attracted to them then the others. And Niall. Well Niall is like the brother I never had. I live with my uncle and was the only child so it was nice kind of having a brother. Even if I had only known him for thirty minutes.
We start talking and after like three minutes Louis shouts.
"OI OI. I'm bored let's play truth or dare." I suddenly think this is a bad idea. Louis starts. He looks straight at me then says.
"Harry. Truth or dare." Harry's eyes widen and he blushes furiously.
"Umm." He starts. "Truth." Oh I can see the look of fear in the poor boys eyes.
"Oh well then." Louis starts. "Is it true I was your first crush." Ooh I had heard about this from my friend Lindsay. Someone had asked Harry who is first crush was. He looked straight at the camera and said Louis Tomlinson. He said that Louis feels mutual about it. Harry shuts his eyes right and says.
"Yes Louis yes it is true." Louis flushes and we all laugh. Zayne says.
"Alright I'm going now." Crud. Apparently, according to Niall, Zayne is notorious for being really cruel in this game making it so the dares suck.
"Harry Styles. Truth or dare." He said. Oh poor Harry.
"Uhh."Harry said. "Dare." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes. I was right in between Niall and Louis. I could feel Louis moving his leg up and down. I didn't know why but we would figure out soon.
"Harry I dare you to... kiss the person you love most in the room." The tension in the room grew and everyone froze. Even Louis. Niall leaned over and whispered.
"Harry has had a crush on Louis since well you know. Let's see what he does."
I held my breathe. Harry sighed and got up. He walked over to me and Louis. He bent over and kissed Louis cheek. Louis froze. Harry then changed his mind and kissed Louis nose. He then turned around and sat down looking pleased with himself. Just then Paul walked in.
"Hey grace ready to go?"
"Yup." I replied. I got up to start walking away when I remembered.
"Oh hey. I need all of your numbers so we can talk. Oh and what time is the movie night tomorrow?" The boys all jumped up. Zayne fist Louis after him then Niall Harry and Liam. I laughed to myself. I wrote my number down five times and they all wrote the numbers down for me. I grabbed them all and started walking. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Louis kiss the number and raise it to the sky.
He is great. I thought then held his and zayne numbers to my chest vowing to text them the minute I got home.

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