Chapter 1: Friendly Welcomings

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You walk into the Coffee shop not too far from your nice cottage home and encounter a handsome man sitting at the window. You order your coffee and sit in front of this dreamy man.

Y/N: U-Uhm.. hello. I couldn't help but notice you sitting here alone. Do you mind if I s-sit here?

Ps1 Hagrid: No, I don't mind. Actually, I was hoping you would sit with me.

You sit down

Y/N: Oh. Well, my name is Y/n.

You stare at him with lustful eyes. There's something about this man that just gives you butterflies.

Ps1 Hagrid: My name is Hagrid. It's nice to meet you.

Hagrid places his drink on the table and you two talk until closing time.

Y/N: Uh, do you have discord?

Ps1 Hagrid: I do, I can give it to you?

Y/N: Yeah, that would be nice.

Hagrid gives you his discord and you both head home. You watch netflix until you fall asleep and wake up with a spam of messages from Hagrid. You message him back:

"Yeah? What did you need??"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to meet at the coffee shop again?"

"Oh, sure Hagrid. I'll be there in 10 minutes"

"Okay cya soon :]"

You get dressed in baggy clothes, you get in your car and drive to the coffee shop. You enter and sit with Hagrid. You and Hagrid di scuss school, sex and just random stuff.

Y/N: I actually have a job interview today. I'm scared.

Hagrid: Don't worry, I bet you'll get the job.

Hagrid smiles softly and cheers you up.

After a hour you check the time, you get up, say bye and head to your job interview.

You enter nervously and sit down infront of the boss. You discuss your resume and he dismisses you. You head home and message Hagrid.

"Just got home, the boss is gonna call me if I got the job. I think it went well."

"Oh, nice! I hope you get the job!"

"Thank you Hagrid :D"

You flop on your couch and fall asleep, exsausted. ( sorry if I spelt that wrong )

You wake up, brush your teeth, comb your hair ect.. You get a phonecall and pick up almost instantly.


"Hello. This is your boss. I'm informing you that you got the job"

You jump around excited that you got the job but tried not to make noise because you had to me formal, which you aren't very good at doing.

"Okay, thank you, boss. When is my first shift?"

"Tomorrow at 8AM. Happy to have you."

"Okay, have a good day."

"You too."

He hangs up and you instantly call Hagrid telling him that you got the job.

"I knew you woulda got the job, congrats!"

"T-Thank you Hagrid"

"You're welcome"

Its now 8PM and you decide to go to bed early for your first shift in the morning. The first shift was rough but you knew you'd get used to this as it was only your first shift.

Broken Promises ( Ps1 Hagrid x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now