Can You Teach Me?

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High above the city in the cool blue gloam of twilight, Lauren takes in the view from the balcony. She seems as distant as the lights on the horizon, as she nibbles on a small package of gummy bears.
She crumples the empty bag and returns to her room.

Lauren waits for the elevator. She notices a mother and her son approaching from down the hall. She watches them.
DING! The doors open. Lauren enters the elevator, presses the lobby button. The mother rushes for the elevator.Lauren pays no mind to the astonished face as
"Really?!" No reaction.

Lauren approachs a comely Concierge She turns on the charm.
"Hi, how are you tonight?"
"I'm fine, thanks- how can I help you?"
"Weren't you working this morning?
You must be exhausted. I hope they're paying you enough."
"Well, no, but thank you for
"I know Elegio is reservation only,
but do they still accept walk-ins at the bar?0
"Yes, but at eight it may not be
worth your time..."
"That's why I wanted to talk to you." Lauren says and she puts on her signature smile.
"Could you call them and tell them
Chef Julia Bardolejo of Las Losos in Barcelona was hoping they'd save a spot for her at the bar?" The concierge smiles knowingly at lauren.
"I suppose I could give it shot."
"You have a wonderful night."
She finishes with a wide smile that satisfies her. It quickly fades as she heads for the door- passing a group of tourists posing for a photo. One of them extends the camera to her.
"Would you mind...?"
She keeps walking, pretending not to hear them.
It was a high end hotel restaurant with a crowded bar Lauren was at- She seated prominently at the head of it, enjoying a glass of wine as a Waiter  places a plate of finely prepared food before her.
"Gracias, señor..
She cuts into her food, takes a bite.
From the kitchen floor a chef and sous chef sneak looks at her, awaiting a reaction to their food. Lauren reaches for the salt. The chef is crushed.
The sous chef tries to console him as he skulks off.
Looking around the bar, taking in the faces of the strangers. Eventually, at the far end of the bar--Lauren notices a beautiful young woman shooing off the advances of a druken stranger Lauren can't hear, but is reading her lips--
"I'm waiting for someone. He'll be
here any minute..."
Lauren watches the drunk lean in close to her. She looks around trying to ignore the clingy suitor, making brief eye contact with Lauren . She smirks at her as she gently pushes the drunk away with a laugh.
Lauren smiles and returns to her food. She salts it again.
The chef still watching sees this and again gets upset.
This amuses Lauren, until-She hears a voice. "Are you a serial killer?"
Lauren turns from her to see the woman standing next to her.
"No. Not anymore, at least."
She smiles. "Can you be my girlfriend for a minute?" Lauren looks at her and just nods amd shrugs.
"Sure. Waiting for someone?" The woman shakes her head. "Not really. No."
"Join me for dinner?"The woman looks at her and smiles "Love to."
Lauren turns to the bartender to order when the woman  suddenly grabs her plate and starts eating. "I was going to--Never mind." Lauren turns to the bartender to order one more plate "Uno mas por favor."
"This is really good." The woman says to Lauren
"It is."
"Kinda salty though."
Lauren chuckles a little bit. "Didn't notice..."
"I'm Camila."
Lauren looks at Camila and smiles "Lauren."
They share a smile.

Near closing time. The crowd has thinned. Camila and Lauren are still at the bar, surrounded by half-empty wine glasses and a mostly eaten dessert, clearly enjoying themselves.
"What was this one again?" Camila asks Lauren.
"Montrachet. And this one?"
"Gevrey Chambertin. Same region,
different grape." "Burgundy."
Laurens nods and smiles "Very good."
With joy amd excitement Camila let's out "Yaaaaay..."
A mini high five as Camila beams. Even to a guarded woman like Lauren , she's disarming and sexy without trying. Camila looks Lauren and says
"So confusing. How'd you learn all
this?"Lauren smirks and jokingly says "Mostly by drinking. The more you
drink the more you learn...
"Well then that makes me the
foremost expert on Jaeger Bombs" .
They laugh. The bartender gently places the bill before Lauren . The couple mourns it's arrival.The bartender looks and Lauren and says "For the wine. Food is compliments
of the Chef."
Lauren nods politely and pulls out a huge roll of hundreds. Camila looks at Lauren with a sad face."Does this mean it's over? I still have so much to learn."
Lauren nods and gives a small shrug "I'm afraid so." Camila pouts then sighs. "Well thanks for the rescue..." Lauren smiles. "No problem, although I think your
nemesis has lost his sting."
She motions across the bar where the drunk guy has nodded off with his head in his hand.
Lauren looks at Camila "can I walk you somewhere?"
Camila points upstairs "actually I'm staying here."
"Oh..." Lauren says looking just a little bit bummed.
Until she heard Camila speak "so, yes."
They look at each other and you can feel the air shift.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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