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Silent Phoenix (one of my characters) doesn't talk or speak but she does write stuff down so here is something she wrote. (yes I am bored, why do you ask?)

Flame, the force in front of me. It flickers in its mysteriousness that I have learnt to understand over the many years. It's crackling voice fills the area, the fuel giving it life slowly decaying. The flaming orange tongues licking the air, each existing for only an instant before immediately being replaced by another in kind. Sparks fly out of the flame, prancing through the cool night air before fizzling back into nothing. Dark shadows dance with the shimmering flame, creating an oddly beautiful scene against the hard dark rocks. The heat wafts up all around me, shielding my body from the harsh cold air. As I stare into the fire, the glowing embers softly radiate glow, fueling the more intimidating inferno above. The orange flames turn to red at the peak of its crown, a pale yellow core nested within the orange. I will close my eyes next, and feel the blaze within my core.

Flame, the lifegiver.

Flame, the smotherer of hope.

Flame, the maker of dreams.

Flame, the searer of forests

Flame, the Phoenix' power.

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