Chapter 26

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After Victor dropped me off at home all I can think about is what I told him. Why did I have to mention fucking Liam.
Laying on my bed I pull out my phone and call Mia.
"Hey girl" she says answering making me smile. I miss my bestie.
"I need to be high.. Come over" I tell her feeling down.
"I'll be there in ten babe" she says and we hang up. Hopefully a spliff can put some things into perspective.

"Hey, your mum let me in. What's wrong babe?" Mia asks walking into my room sitting next to me.
"I told Victor about Liam" I say and she gawks at me like I've grown another head.
"Why? I thought things were going good between you two? What happened?" she asks and I just shrug dropping back onto my pillow. I can't do this again. My heart slowly starts to repair to just shatter again.
"I told him I wanted more and that I won't do it again. But he doesn't clearly" I tell her the brief story.
"If he can't commit to you babe like you want then let him go. He's not worth your tears" she says as I begin to tear up. Wiping my face harshly I sit up and look at her.
"I want to get drunk.. And high let's go buy some alcohol" I suggest and of course shes down.
"Obviously.. Alcohol always helps me" she says and I look at her raising a brow.
"It helps you get laid by a random.. I can't move on like that. It's took me two years to even be interested in another guy. For fuck sake. I don't know what to do?" I tell her. What if I can't move on?
"Can you remember Leon and what Liam did to him because he was interested in you. Now Victor wants to be asking questions. This isn't good babe" she says and I nod motionless. What have I done? Liam will kill him in a blink of an eye and feel know way. Fuck!
"I remember like it was yesterday. Why did he even go that far? He didn't even want me like that.. What he thinks no one else can? I hate him Mia" I say getting annoyed thinking about him. Eughhh I hit my pillow and stand up.
"Let's go before I go crazy" I say and grab my purse.

Arriving at a bar I walk up and order us both drinks and pay following Mia to a table.
"I need this" I say and down the drink looking at Mia as she sips it. What's wrong with her?
"How's you babe. I haven't seen you in a few days. You still seeing that dick Marcus?" I ask her rolling my eyes.
"He's good sex, that's it babe don't worry about me I don't get attached" she says flipping her long hair over her shoulder.
I wish I was like that.

After a few rounds we head out to a club and do shots for most of the night.
"I miss him" I say drunkenly to her and she laughs rolling her eyes.
"Your just drunk. Your ment to be getting over him not missing him" she tells me handing me a vodka coke. Which one?
"I think I'm going to call him and give him a peice of my mind. How dare he not want me" I tell her getting irated. I pull my phone from my purse and walk to the beer garden. Looking around I see a few scattered people smoking but I consentrate on my task.
"You don't need to do this Stacey" I hear Mia say from the door way pulling out a spliff. I want some of that first.
"Yes I do. Pass that too" I tell her pointing to the spliff.
Sparking it I hit a few long drags and take it down feeling the burn in my lungs I blow it out and repeat it needing more before I call Victor.
Looking at his number I hit call and wait for him to answer.
"Hello baby girl" he says and I scoff.
"You call me that but don't want me.. Why?.. Why do you not want me Victor? What's wrong with me?" I ask him confidently drunk puffing away on the spliff.
"Are you drunk baby girl where are you?" he asks and I ignore him
"Answer my question first Victor. What's wrong with me. Why can't you love me?"
"It's not you baby. It's just what happened before, I won't get hurt again" he tells me and my heart beats rapidly. What the actual fuck.
"So you don't want me because you think I'll hurt you. Are you stupid Victor. After what I told you about Liam how could you think that.. Shit" I say passing Mia the spliff. She gives me a thumbs up and it makes me feel better.
"I won't get hurt love. I'm sorry, now tell me where you are?" he demands and I laugh at him.
"You just want me for sex just like Liam fucking Johnson did. Why do you care where I am. You wana come fuck me?" I spit getting annoyed with him.
"What did you just say? Liam Johnson.. Why does that sound so familiar?" he asks and I freeze not meaning to say his name. I quickly hang up and look to Mia.
"What did I just do?" I say looking at her wide eyed.
"Who cares take this" she says handing the spliff back.
I stare at my phone and just put it into my bag pissed at myself and take myself back inside feeling lost in the music and dance my way to the dance floor holding Mia's hand and lose myself completely.

My phone keeps ringing and ringing and I don't no what to say to him now I've dropped his whole fucking name. What was I even thinking calling him drunk. Fuck!
Standing back at the bar I order another round of shots with my vodka and drown my sorrows.. Literally.
I seriously fucked up. Big time!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now