Chapter 28

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Waking up feeling like shit I rub my eyes and look around the room.
Everything from lastnight comes rushing back to me. The drunken phone call, him looking for me, the fact he told me he wants me and he's just scared, bringing me back here and our conversation about Liam. Shit. What's he going to do?
Feeling a warm body next to me I look to my right and see Victor as he turns and wakes up.
"Good morning beautiful, how you feeling?" he asks me with a small smile.
"Like shit baby, why aren't you at work?" I ask him looking at the time on his alarm clock. It blinks 11:15am at me and I look back to him.
"I wasn't going to leave you baby girl, I ment what I said" he says grinning.
"I remember everything Victor" I tell him and he nods.
"I'm glad. I'd hoped you would. Saves me telling you everything again" he says chuckling.
"Wait.. Why was Kaleb here?" I ask him confused and he chuckles again.
"I thought you'd ask that.. He's my little brother" he says and I look at him shocked. What the fuck?
"Ohh, I went to school with him" I say remembering the days that we'd fuck around in class.
"Yeah I found out last night" he tells me and I sigh. So much is happening.
"Nothings going to change baby, don't worry" he says and tucks my hair behind my ear.
"You said you liked me. And you wanted me but your just scared?" I recite his words from last night at the for front of my brain. It's all I wanted to hear.
"So what do you want?" I ask him unsure.
"I want you. I just need to trust that you wouldn't intentionally hurt me baby" he says putting his head down. I push him over and he let's me so I climb on top of him.
"It's only going to be you. I don't know what she did to you but I won't, I can promise you that" I tell him holding his face then kiss his soft lips.
"She tried to trap me, she wanted a fucking baby so I'd be hers. She'd pricked the condoms and beg me to fuck her raw. Then she tried to say she was pregnant and had a misscarrige that was my fault. Turns out it was all lies" he tells me then closes his eyes clearly reliving the moment
"Stop baby. I'd never do that. Look how I was when you didn't use one? Do I seem like I'd trap you?" I ask him holding his face in my hands still.
"No" he mumbles opening his eyes and looking into mine. I smile down at him and he rolls me over so he's on top of me.
"Now that we've established I want you can we have our morning fun" he says nuzzling my neck kissing me softly.
"Absolutely" I say breathless.

After a long hot steamy shower with Victor I'm finally dressed in his shorts and t-shirt like normal and standing in the kitchen.
I pull out bread and sausages with bacon and make us sandwiches.
"Smells good baby girl, I'm starving" he says coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Good because it's nearly done" I tell him rubbing my ass on him.
I watch as he grabs plates and sets up things for me.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and start to set up the sandwiches.

"What do you want to do today?" Victor asks me as we sit in his living room smoking a spliff.
"I just want to be with you baby" I tell him with a smile and he grins.
"Good to know baby girl, do you not need to go home?" he asks me and I shake my head. "Mum knows where I am by now. Either here or with Mia" I tell him and he nods understanding.
Passing me the spliff I take a few long drags and connect my lips with his, giving him a blowback. He takes it down then blows the smoke out looking at me with a sexy smile.
"Come here you" he says grabbing me and kissing me. This is all I wanted.
"I swear I've been looking for you baby girl" he says as I straddle his lap and look into his beautiful eyes.

Fuck!" I cry out from the pleasurable feeling he's giving me.
"You love me hooking them fingers, don't you baby?" He states as he pulls back out and in to me again slowly working his fingers in me coating them with my juices. It's not hurting as much as I thought it would be but I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to. It feels so fucking good. He hooks his fingers and presses up on my gspot. I can feel the familiar build up as he fucks that sweet spot inside me. 
"Yes, don't stop, right there" I moan out loudly. I catch a glimpse of his beautiful smug face that he's about to make me climax again. 
"I'm going to.. VICTOR!" I scream into the room as I climax. He fingers me through it until I come down from my high but pushes me straight into another one.
"Shit baby" I cry out as I climax for the third time this afternoon. He pulls his fingers out of me slowly and leans forward kissing me.
Pushing him on to his back I lick around his balls slowly like he did to me and suck on each one swirling my tongue and pulling on the sack. I grab at his cock as I lick all the way up to his tip sucking on it, collecting all of his precum. I start to take him into my mouth humming at the taste of him. The feel of him stretching my mouth open wide to fit his thick long cock in it. I flatten my tongue and slowly take him down my throat I can hear him groaning as he grabs my ponytail and starts to fuck out my mouth slowly. I swirl my tongue as he bobs me up and down his cock. I can feel my throat opening up the further he pushes me down.
"Fuck baby girl, you love this cock don't you?" he asks as I open my eyes looking up at him and he's staring down at me with darken eyes and a sexy smile on his face. He looks like he's totally enjoying him self as I pump the root off his cock as I give my mouth a break I suck on the tip and take a little more inch after inch sucking him deeper in and out quickly
"Just like that baby" he says throwing his head back. I can feel his cock starting to throb in my mouth meaning he's ready to climax soon so I pump and suck faster wanting to taste him now.
"Fuck!" he says trying to pull his cock out my mouth but I grab his thighs and suck him in deeper. He explodes in my mouth gripping my shoulders tightly as he growls out my name in a deep dominant voice. I love it. I swallow his cum enjoying the taste of him, pulling him out I spill a little on him so I lick it up cleaning him. I look at him to find him watching me already as I swallow and smile seductively at him. I watch as his dick grows back to long and thick while he's watching me. Smiling knowing that he likes what he sees still after all that.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now