Chapter 1

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I was sat in my bed editing my baking video for the mums eye view channel. It was a tutorial on how to make my favourite cheesecake, and I must say I'm pretty impressed, the cake was very good if I say so myself. It was then I realised what time it was. I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran out to the bathroom to get ready. I had to be in Brighton in 3 hours and with the car journey from Bath to Brighton taking 3 hours it wouldn't be easy. I didn't want Alfie first impression of me being bad. So I had to be quick.
10 minutes later I was sat in my car ready to go. I had packed nearly all my makeup not because I wanted to apply my makeup at Alfie place but because we were going to film colabs were we would do each other's makeup. I was really excited to se him. This would be my first time meeting Alfie. He was the sweetest, nicest, cutest and most lovely YouTuber I had ever seen. I really hope he will be like that in real life I thought.
I finally arrived at his house, or I was pretty sure that this was his house, because I had never visited him or met him yet so...
I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I was really nervous. Partly because meeting new people could be a little scary sometimes, and also because I didn't know how he would react when he saw my face without makeup, which in this case was necessary because we were doing each other's makeup.
My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and a well know voice saying "Zoe welcome to my place, or should I say my parents house. " "Alfie" I said smiling at him, maybe for a bit to long but I don't think he saw. I just couldn't stop smiling by the sight of him. He was so beautiful, his dark brown hair and eyes and his rather large eyebrows made him look so nice.
He showed me into the living room where he had already set up his camera and lights, ready to film. Behind the setup on a coffee table was a large plate filled with my favourite snacks.
I smiled at him and asked him how he new exactly which snacks I liked. He blushed and I looked away smiling. But I couldn't stop noticing that he was staring at me, and then it was my turn to blush.


I couldn't stop looking at her. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When i realised that I had been looking at her for quite a while. I looked Down at at the snacks making me think of how to answer the question she just asked me. Because the truth would be to embarrassing so say. I couldn't just say: well you're the most wonderful person I have ever seen. And I think I might have feelings for you, even though we haven't met properly. But I just wanted to make you happy so I watched all of your videos, well I have already see them all but I watched them all again, and that way I found out what your favourite foods are.
I knew that it was the truth but it was to embarrassing because I knew she would never think of me in that way.
So I just answered her by saying that I must have been very lucky the day I bought them since they were all your favourties.
She thanked me and looked up at me, smiling, causing my heart to melt.


There you have it, my very first chapter. Hope you liked it. Sorry if there was any spelling mistakes or anything like that. It is my first time writing, in English anyway.
Next chapter coming soon XXX

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