Im in love with you don cant you see

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Y/n pov

I was driving to dons house to confess my feelings .i hope he loves me just as much as i love him. I texted him that i was there. i said "hi don.I need to tell you something and please dont over react." Don said "ok." I told him "Don im in love with you cant you see." next thing i knew i was brought into a lovely kiss with DON FUCKING TIBBLES. Omg my dream came true.

                                                                           time skip

Y/n pov

Me and don got married. We live in a mansion with are 2 kids. Charlie and Camila and we are expecting one more kid its a girl her name is going to be Delilah. Now im living the dream live i have my own hockey company and don is still working.

Don tibbles imagineWhere stories live. Discover now