The Forest

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A/N: This is my first story let alone fan fiction. I'm not really sure where this is headed but you're welcome to join me. I do intend for this to be many chapters with some fun scenarios 😉

Enjoy, JD


Gia had been walking for at least an hour and a half when she finally stopped to catch her breath and try to figure out exactly where she was in this god forsaken forest.

' Why did I decide to leave in the middle of fucking winter' Gia thought to herself as she trudged though inches of snow. It wasn't even really snow. More like slushy mud; enough to leave her soaked from her calves down. The wind and snow relentlessly pelted her face, heavily obscuring her visibility. Gia could hardly see past the end of her arm so it's no wonder she wandered from the trail.
It wasn't her fault she couldn't wait until the spring to leave home like mother had suggested. Nor was it her fault that she awoke late and in turn didn't leave home until mid afternoon. And it definitely wasn't her fault that a snow storm had decided to bless her with its presence.

Mother had warned Gia that if she strayed too far from the trail that led into the city she may end up too close to the castle and on someone's dinner plate. "The Castle of Blood and Death" mother had called it. She knew the stories of young girls disappearing during the dark hours of the night; taken by mysterious cackling hooded figures. Men going out to hunt near the castle but never returning. Lycans roaming the forest waiting for any poor souls to be their next meal. But of course none of it were true, just some old stories parents tell to their children to scare them into submission.

'Yeah just some old folklore' she thought as she looked around. 'Where is that damn trail.' But it was only trees and snow. That's all Gia could see as she scanned the forest around her. She knew that as soon as the night came upon her she was most likely going to freeze to death. So Gia choose the direction she thought would lead her back to the trail and quickly moved on.

Some thirty minutes later Gia had yet to make it back to the trail and figured it was useless to continue to look for it. On the plus side the storm had let up and she could see more clearly.

Gia heard giggling and the rustling of leaves behind her, but before she could react she was shoved into the mud from behind. She instantly had the wind knocked out of her as she tried to get up, only to be thrown back down even harder by her assailant. As Gia struggled to catch her breath when she was flipped onto her back, coming face to face with a brunette woman in a hooded black cloak holding a sickle. She had large golden eyes and a blood stained mouth that curled into a wicked smile that could have even the toughest man fearing for his life. Yet the sickle wasn't the scariest part. It was the woman's eyes. Cold, calculated and hungry. Very, VERY hungry. The woman held the sickle against Gia's neck as she spoke
"Aren't you a pretty little thing? Don't you know not to roam around the forest at this time of night? It's not safe."
That last part was emphasized by the woman pressing her sickle even harder into Gia's skin almost drawing blood. Gia was frozen in fear. Too cold and afraid to really fight back. But she had a feeling she wouldn't win whatever struggle would ensue if she did. After all Gia did have a weapon pressed against a part of her body that she may need. If she had had a chance to look at anything other than the sickle wielding brunette on top of her she would have noticed two more figures emerge from the shadows.
"I think mother will be pleased with our catch of the day" was the last thing Gia heard before the brunette struck her in the face with the butt of the sickle and then darkness.


A/N: I hope this wasn't too bad. I know this was a very long chapter but the others will be longer. Let me know what you think


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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