Chapter 29

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It's been a little over week since that night I got drunk and told Victor about Liam. He's been different, like more open and loving now I know about his past too.
I'm currently at work on my last day of the week and thank God it's the weekend.
"Stacey hun can you serve this customer please my hands are a little full" Anne says to me.
"Of course I'll be right there" I tell her quickly washing the cake mix from my hands and drying them.
Walking to the counter I don't pay attention to who the customer is.
"What can I get you?" I say then look up seeing Liam. Oh my god.
"Stacey..." he says looking me over. Yeah dick it's fucking me.
"What can I get you?" I ask him again trying to stay professional when all I want to do is run away from him. Or run to him I don't know I'm confused.
"What are you doing here? Why are you in here..."
"Is everything OK hun?" I hear Anne call out from the back.
"Everythings fine" I call back and look back to liam.
"What do you want Liam?" I ask again ignoring his piercing brown eyes boreing into me.
He looks me over and smiles. Weird.
"Just give me a box of chocolate donuts and a box of chocolate chip cookies" he says and I just stare at him. Manners cost nothing Liam!
"Please Stacey" he adds and sighs. I box up his goods and hand them to him taking the ten pound note.
"Keep the change beautiful" he says leaving me speechless and turns to walk out the shop door. What just fucking happened?

Finishing up cleaning the tables and sweeping the floor, I take out the trash and see Anne talking to someone in the shop.
"You can go now hun. I'll finish up" she calls out smiling at me.
I take off my apron hanging it up, I grab my coat and bag.
"Bye, see you on Monday" I tell Anne walking past her and exit the bakery.
"Bye hun" she calls as the door closes.

Getting home I make my way into the kitchen and see my mum sitting in there.
"Hey mum" I say smiling at her.
"You have a good day at work baby?" she asks and I nod.
"Yeah, Liam showed up" I tell her and she gapes at me.
"What happened are you OK?" she asks me looking me over.
"Yeah, he wasn't that bad he just bought his stuff. Shocked to see me but alright" I tell her grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Good. Don't let him bring you down hunny. Your better than him" she tells me in that mum way.
"I know mum, thanks" I say and walk out to go and have a shower. Victor should be picking me up soon for our double date with Sian and Kai.

As I get out the shower I do my usual routine and stand at my wardrobe looking for something to wear for the date.
I pull out my blue dress and white lace heels with the matching bag and look myself over in the mirror.

"You look good, where you going?" I hear Macey from behind me

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"You look good, where you going?" I hear Macey from behind me.
Turning around I smile and sit at my vanity.
"I have a date with Victor of course" I tell her grinning.
"Well you look good girl, don't fuck up again" she says and walks out. Rolling my eyes I start to apply makeup and hear my phone go off.
Grabbing it there's a text from Victor.

Victor: Can't wait to see you baby girl, feels like forever since I've seen you. I'll be there for 6pm X

Smiling I text back.

Stacey: Can't wait to see you either baby. I've missed you, see you soon X

Hitting send I put my phone down and continue getting ready.

Checking my watch I have five minutes till he arrives so I spritz myself with my perfume and grab my bag filling it with everything I need and make my way downstairs.
Hearing the door knock I quickly answer it and see a very handsome Victor standing there holding a bunch of flowers again for me. He's so sweet.
"Hello beautiful. Wow you look stunning, these are for you" he holds out the flowers and I take them kissing him then invite him in.
Taking them into the kitchen I hand them to my mum and she beams happily at us.
"You guys are adorable. Look after my daughter" she says pointing a finger at him.
"Yeah mum, where leaving I'll be back tomorrow" I tell her looking at Victor and he nods.
"OK sweetie see you tomorrow" she says and we walk off and out the house.
Climbing into his car with his help, he closes my door for me and walks around.
"You looking foward to this date baby girl" he asks me starting up his car.
"I'm looking forward to spending time with you" I correct him with a smile making him grin wide.
"You have a good day at work beautiful" he asks and I instantly think of Liam and how he called me that which was weird.
"Liam came into the bakery" I say just getting it off my chest.
"What? So what happened" he says looking at me and I turn in my seat.
"He just came in for some stuff, I think he was just as surprised to see me in there to be honest, he was OK tho" I tell him grabbing his hand.
"What do you mean he was OK?" he asks confused.
"Well the last time we interacted I was drunk at your party and he left me hanging like normal" I say remembering that night.
"So OK meaning he was nice to you? What did he say?" he questions me and I wonder why he's getting so irate about this.
"Yes he was nice and called me beautiful which threw me off because that's not him" I tell him and he hits the steering wheel. What's his problem?
"Chill out Victor jeez" I tell him pulling my hand away.
"Your telling me you had a little chat with your so called ex after what he did to you and I'm just supposed to be OK with that" he says shaking his head. I climb out the car and stand there with my arms folded.
"Get in the car Stacey" he says climing out coming round to me.
"Your making out like this is my fault I had to serve him Victor, don't ruin the night with your jealously" I tell him and he sighs.
"Fine just get in were going to be late we'll talk about this later" he says. And I'm struggling to know what else there is to talk about. Fuck sake. I need to talk to Sian.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now