Chapter One

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Setting: In a convent garden, your digging up rocks to help the soil. You're a year or so away from having to make a decision to leave the convent when you become of age or stay and become a nun.

Eleanor: Garden duty...again. Do they actually think I like doing this?

You: Well would you rather be cleaning all the chamber pots instead?

Eleanor: Ugh. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm going to find me a rich man, marry him and never get my hands dirty again.

You laugh and then look up towards the balcony to see sister Agnes standing there looking down at you. Eleanor follows suit before you both turn back and continue what you're doing

Eleanor: I hate that women....she has it in for you, you know?

You: Eleanor?

Eleanor: She does, several of the nuns do.

You: That's ridiculous.

Eleanor: I'm serious. You've never noticed how some of the sisters seem to always be in the same place you are, always looking in your direction.

You: I'm sure they do it to everybody, we've just never noticed because we're so involved in our own matters. They're only trying to keep us out of trouble Eleanor.

Eleanor: They're only trying to keep You out of trouble. They don't follow anyone else.

You briefly think about it.

You: Oh this is nonsense.

You turn away from her and continue your task.

Eleanor: You should come with us, you know

You: You know I can't do that.

Eleanor: Sure you can.

You: And what could I possibly do when I leave

Eleanor: Well you could get a could be a seamstress.

You: I hate sewing.

Eleanor: What about being a tutor? You've always been successful in your studies.

You: And get paid less than half what a man would make, no thank you.

Eleanor: You should do something besides stay here and watch your life go by.

You: I'm not like you and the other girls Eleanor, I have no money, no family, no where to go. I have to stay here.

Eleanor: All I'm saying is there's more to life....if you want there to be.

You: Thank You.

Setting: Later that evening. It's your turn to help cook the night time meal. After making everyone a plate and serving yourself you sit down.

Eleanor: It smells wonderful.

You: Thank You.

As you get ready to pray and eat with everyone else, you notice one of the nuns staring you down.

Eleanor: Ignore the old bat.

You: Eleanor.

Her face quickly becomes as white as a ghost, foam starts to appear from the side of her mouth, she starts coughing while her nose and ears start bleeding. You watch unable to look away from what is happening in front of you. And then....She falls face forward into her plate, dead. Screams and shock erupt from the dining room. You suddenly feel someone pulling on your arm, Sister Agnes.

Sister Agnes: Come, quickly.

You: Where are you taking me?

Sister Agnes: Shh!!!

Sister Agnes stops pulling you for a second, listening carefully to sounds coming from outside. Horses quickly galloping towards the convent, their riders out for blood.

Sister Agnes: Forgive me child for I've allowed your whole life to be a lie.

You: What do you mean?

Sister Agnes: You're name isn't Y/F/N Y/L/N, it's Y/N Tudor. I'm sorry child the other sisters and I were only doing what we were told to by your father.

You: My father?

Sister Agnes: King Henry VIII.

Silent pause.

Sister Agnes: You are the youngest daughter of King Henry VIII and his wife Catherine Parr. We've been able to protect you from being found and possibly killed, but now we can no longer protect you. You must leave child.

She opens the door leading to the garden, there's a gate on the other side.

Sister Agnes: Run and never look back.

You stall for a moment.

Sister Agnes: Run child and never look back.

You do as your told and start running, you don't know where you're going, but it doesn't matter, surviving is what's important. As your running you hear screams, the smell of fire burning, horses, and the voices of men yelling. You almost stop and turn back, until you remember Sister Agnes telling you not to. When you can no longer run, you find a tree to hide behind. Suddenly you hear horses and men coming up the road, a few of them stop in front of you.

Guard: Are you alright? What's your name?

Your too shocked to answer.

You: I...I

Guard: Are you hurt?

You: No.

Guard: I'll ask you again, what's your name?

You almost tell him your old name but you stop yourself

You: Tudor. Y/N Tudor.

The guard looks to one of the other men. The man nods his head. Before you can say anything two men grab your arms, you fight back, but they're too strong. They put you on a horse and you ride off into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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