Chapter One

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"I don't know, he's pretty ugly." Turning to face Lynn, Arlo laughed. "Your right, he really is." he exclaimed. Lynn and Arlo were sitting on the couch, scrolling through a popular dating app, rating people. An activity they did often. For some reason this was they're favorite thing to do together. Scrolling through various profiles Lynn let out a laugh. "My couch might pull out but i don't" she repeated mockingly. "Oh that's bad bad" Arlo said while the two of them nodded in agreement. Lynn reached for Arlo's chin and pulled him in for a kiss. They sat inches apart from eachother and stared. "I love you" Lynn whispered. "I love you" Arlo repeated. Soon his phone went off. Lifting up his phone he noticed the notification was a text from his mom.


Hey Arlo, your father and
I decided on which exchange student
to house. We choose Bruno, the
German one. Your picking him up
from the airport at 9pm sharp.
                          are you guys going to
                                                                         be there too?

No, we both have to work night
shift tomorrow. We'll be there super early to greet him so just
make sure he gets settled in and
i know you forget to feed yourself.

kay that was bullying
at its finest. i gotcha tho,
i'll get him some bussin italian
for his first night in the us.
i love you <33

Thank you Lo, I
love you too!


"Hey i'm sorry, we can't hang out together tomorrow" Arlo said sadly. Glancing at Arlo, Lynn questioned "Why not?" "I've got to pick up the exchange student at the airport because my parents are working" He responded. Grasping Arlo's hand tightly Lynn smiled. "It'll be okay, we can have dinner another night." "Alright well it's late and I need to study before i go to sleep tonight so i'm going to head home" Arlo stated while getting up from his spot on the bed. "Okay, text me later about the concert tickets, i'm sure you can find someone else to take with you" She replied. Grabbing his phone and charger he headed out the door and into his car. Before pulling out of the dtive ah he texted Quinn.



shit breath🖕🏽:
yes besite?

               tm i gotta pick up the new
             exchange student do you
              wanna come with?

shit breath🖕🏽:
is it a guy?

yep. his name is bruno

shit breath🖕🏽:
YESS. i hope he's cute. prob
not tho because he has a dog

god quinn-

                                                                    [read 11:20pm]


                             THE NEXT DAY

*Alarm rings* Quickly snoozing the alarm Arlo rubbed his eyes. Realizing the time, he smiled. "12 a'
clock, perfect" he mumbled to himself. Normally an early bird, he almost never slept in this late but today he felt like he earned it. After getting home at around 11:44pm, he stayed up almost all night studying for his civic history test on Friday. Sitting up on his bed, he stretched his arms over his head. Sunlight gleamed in and shone brightly on his face. The bright light blinded him and he quickly covered his eyes. Annoyed, he stood up and got dressed.

Before he knew it, it was already 8:30pm, and if he didn't leave right away he'd be late to picking up Bruno. He sat outside Quinn's house, waiting for her to come outside so they could head to the airport. Angrily, he called her again. She quickly picked up and bellowed "I'm coming out the door right now, relax idiot."

Before he could reply Quinn hung up. As soon as she opened the door Arlo hit her on the head. "Took you long enough" he jokingly let out.
Their whole life, Quinn and Arlo's relationship has been much like a brother and sister relationship. They'd know each other since birth and always hung out together. Every spare minute they had was spent with each other. This made for many...stupid, arguments. "Shut up before I clock yo ass" she said, eyeing him. "Yeah you wish" he laughingly replied and pulled out of her driveway.

A couple minutes into the drive and Quinn was already bored. "Cmon Arlo, you must have some stupid road game we can play" Quinn complained. "I really don't know" he replied. Gasping, Quinn finally thought of something. "Let's bet on if Bruno will be hot or not" she exclaimed. Rolling his eyes, he agreed to bet.

"Alright..I bet he's hot" he finally decided. Turning to stare at him, Quinn gasped. "Fine. I bet he's not. The name says it all" she said jokingly. Before he could reply she continued her statement, "And...I don't feel like waiting so what's his last name. I'm looking him up on Instagram." "It's Müller, but remember, our choices are set in stone so no switching up after we see him" Arlo replied. Smiling, Quinn pulled out her phone and began to look him up. The first account that came up was just the one she was looking for. Luckily for her the account was public, so she clicked on it right away.

"Woah" she gasped loudly. "What?" Arlo questioned, trying to get a view of her phone without peeling his eyes from the road for too long. "He is supppper fine" she stated, scrolling through his posts. Giving up on seeing the picture while driving he turned back to face the road. "Forget it, even though I won, I want it to be a surprise." he finally decided. "Alright loser, i'll be a pleasant surprise" she replied, laughing.

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