1 The Dark

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My brother was afraid of the dark. That was before the accident though. Now...I'm not even sure if he notices anything. When my brother was 14 he got his motorcycle license. I was on the back of his motorcycle when it happened. I should've stayed on the motorcycle and told him the semi was coming. Instead I was selfish and jumped off. The semi didn't see us but I saw the semi. Right after I jumped off, the semi hit my brother at 65 miles per hour. It was terrible. Blood splattered everywhere. I thought he had died. He was lucky. He didn't die. He's brain dead. He can't move or talk or eat on his own or even breathe on his own. The only thing that's keeping him alive is a weird machine sitting right next to him.
    He was my only sibling. Both of my parents were an only child. Since my brother is basically gone now....I'm all alone....in the dark.

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