Chapter 31

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After a lovely long weekend with Victor mostly spent in his bed. I'm back at work and standing behind the counter serving customers.
"Welcome to Goods bakery what can I get you?" I ask the old man standing there counting his money.
"Box of your finest cupcakes lovely" he says with a smile eyeing me up. There getting worst I swear.
Boxing them up I hand them over as he hands me the cash and I smile at him as he walks off happily.
Reciting the same words over and over I serve all the customers and I'm ready to take my break.
"I'm going on my lunch Anne, I'll be back soon" I call out to her grabbing my coat and bag.
"Alright hun see you soon" she says back and I head out the shop.
"Stacey, can we talk" I hear and I turn to see Liam.. Again. I can't catch a break.
"If you must Liam. What isit?" I ask him sighing.
"Can we go grab a drink or something in private, we need to talk" he says looking me over and turns for me to follow him. I hope Victor doesn't freak about this.

Arriving at a café we order food and take a seat outside.
"Sooo?" I start wanting to get this over with.
"Ever since I seen you on Friday, you've been on my mind all weekend. I needed to see you again" he says and I look at him confused. What?
"Oooohk? I'm confused, I thought you moved on Liam why would you be thinking bout me. It doesn't make any sense?" I ask him dumbfounded.
"I could never move on Stacey. I was young and immature back then but don't get it twisted your still the only one I've ever loved" he tells me looking into my eyes. Wait.. What? Now I'm more confused.
"You never loved me Liam, you treated me shitty and now what.. You want what exactly?" I ask him mind spinning.
"First off I loved you more than you think. More than anyone knew. I didn't know how to express it other than sex so that's what I did. I know now that, that was the wrong way to go about it. Your not like most girls I see that now" he tells me sadly and my heart starts to beat faster. Whats happening?
"I'm so soo sorry for everything I did to you. I broke you and fucked up big time and for that I'll never forgive myself" he says putting his head into his hands and sighing. Why is he apologizing two years later? It makes no sense..
"Liam it doesn't matter anymore, I've moved on and you should to. But thank you for your apology. It means alot" I tell him and for some reason I do actually feel better.
"Dont ever assume I've moved on. And please don't thank me for apologizing it's the least you deserve.. I mean it Stacey I fucked up with you big time" he says looking back at me.
The waiter arrives placing down our food and we thank her quickly as she walks away.
"You did fuck up Liam. I was nothing like the others and you treated me like I was just some little hoe you could fuck and push around. That's not me anymore. I've moved on like I said" I tell him and take a bite out of my sandwich.
"My mums dying" he suddenly says and I pause chewing staring at him.. What? Is this what Sian ment when she said he needed me? Fuck!
"Oh my god Liam I'm so sorry" I say not knowing what else to say.
"I've grown up alot over the past few years and realised alot of things like how I treated you. That was wrong of me and I needed to see you again. I've missed you" he says and I choke a little.
"What.. Why? I wasn't anything special to you Liam so don't lie to me" I tell him feeling shit again.
"You was everything to me Stacey. You'll never know how special you really was to me. I love you" he says and I just stare into his brown eyes looking for lies and see nothing. Why is he doing this now?
"I'm with someone Liam I can't be having this conversation with you" I tell him and he sits up staring at me.
"I'm not trying to win you back. I don't deserve your love Stacey. You deserve better than me. You always have and I hope he.. Whoever he is, is treating you like a queen otherwise he'll end up like Leon.. Or worst" he warns me and I shiver thinking of that fateful day. Please god no.
"He treats me better than you anyways and that's all I wanted. You don't need to be threatening anyone Liam! I'm a big girl" I tell him and he chuckles at me.
"I see that but I'm just telling you. Your still special and have a place in my heart. I'm happy your happy I truly am I'm just sad I couldn't of done that for you" he says a little emotional, teary eyed. What's happening.. again he's acting like the Liam I loved. Fuck sake!
"I can't do this right now Liam I have to get back to work. Thank you for your apology, I appreciate it" I tell him chucking money on to the table and walking away.
"I never stopped loving you and I don't think I ever will beautiful have a great life, you deserve it" he says and I feel emotional now. This isn't the Liam I left that day. This is the Liam I fell hard for and now my heads baffled.
How do I tell Victor?

Arriving back at work I take off my coat and hang it up with my bag.
"I need you to bake me some white chocolate chip cookies this time with some scones hunny" Anne says as I pull on my apron and with that I'm back in work mode and doing what I love the most.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now