Chapter 32 Victor's POV

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Pulling up outside the bakery I climb out the car and stand there crossing my arms and legs waiting for my baby girl.
I watch as she comes strutting out the shop but something seems off. Why?
She walks up to me and I open my opens to her and she comes straight into them.
"Hey baby, you OK?" I ask her and she hums not looking at me.
"You sure? You seem off. Was work OK?" I ask her and she nods her head. Somethings wrong.
I open up the door for her and she climbs in without a word and I look at her confused. Did I do something wrong? Have I forgotten a certain date or something? I have no idea what's wrong with her..
Walking around my car I climb in and drive off to my house. I was going to take her to my parents house to introduce her but whatever this mood is about isn't working nor will it work.
"Baby talk to me, what did I do?" I ask her and she looks at me confused as I look at her still.
"Nothing. Why would you think that?" she asks and I shake my head.
"You're quiet and distance. What happened baby girl you was fine when I dropped you off at work this morning, over the moon infact. But now your off like somethings happened?"
"I'm OK.. But something did happen at work we'll talk about it when your not driving" she says and I glance back at her even more confused so clearly I'm about to hit the fucking roof. You know if it's that fucking Liam again I swear to God.
"This is about that Liam again isn't it" I ask her pulling onto my street.
"Yes" she just says quietly and I sigh. We've been together officially for one fucking weekend and he's already in her fucking ear. Is this what I have to fucking deal with constantly?
"It's not what you think baby" she says and climbs out as I follow her and unlock my door.

"Am I going to need a drink for this?" I ask her and she nods slowly. Fuck sake.
Grabbing a bottle of whiskey I grab us both glasses and pour us generous amounts and slide it over to her and she picks it up and walks off into the living room.
Taking a seat next to her, she tucks her legs under her and looks at me.
"Before I start don't get mad please baby" she says and I know I'm about to loose my shit.
"Go on..." I tell her sipping my drink.
"Liam came to see me today and we had a talk about everything" she starts and I'm already wanting to rip his fucking head off. I nod for her to continue
"He apologized for how he was and he said he still loves me but doesn't want me back because he doesn't deserve me" she says and I just look at her and down my drink. Do I want to even know anymore..
"He told me that he wants me to be happy with you Victor because I want you not him please believe me" she says looking into my eyes. Do I believe her?
"I told him that I appreciated his apology but I'm happy now which I am with you baby, you don't need to worry about him. We're well and truly done" she says and sighs.
I just sit there silent.
"I'm going to go home and let you think about everything. Give you space and that" she says getting up but I grab her.
"I don't think so baby girl, sit" I tell her and she does as I say looking back at me.
"I hate the fact he still has something over you. But I can't change the past baby" I tell her and she slowly starts to smile.
"I do believe you and trust you I just hope that he keeps his word and leaves you to be happy" I tell her with a small smile.
I hate this I'm not a jealous person but with her I just can't help it. Fuck!
"Thank you for telling me baby girl" I say and she kisses me.
Kissing her back forcefully, I pull her onto me and lift her t-shirt over her head.
"I need to be inside you" I tell her and she gets off of me pulling down her jeans and underwear. I copy and fiddle with my belt pulling everything down and letting my dick spring out. I pull out a condom from my pocket and rip it open sliding it over myself. She looks at me with lust and climbs back on top of me.
"I need you" she whimpers sliding herself over me and I grab her hips pulling her down onto me.
I sit there holding her, letting her take me and give us what we both need.
"Fuck baby girl, just like that" I growl as she rocks her hips back and fourth. I love her riding me. Her long legs wrapped around me, her breasts bouncing in my face, her soft moans needing my help to get her over the edge. I love it all.
"I'm so close" she says leaning back wanting me to rub her swollen clit for her to get her closer.
"Yes, harder" she tells me so I wrap her arms around her back with one hand and grab her throat with the other.
"This what you want, to be fucked like this" I ask her pulling her back onto me hard and fast. She moans out and I grip her throat tighter.
"Yesss V" she screams and I feel her gush of wetness hit my thighs.
That's what I wanted, her wet and needy for me and only me.
"I'm with you baby" I tell her as I feel my orgasm flow through me.
"Yes, come for me baby" she tells me and I do just that as she rides me faster.
"FUCKK!" I growl as I cum and she rides me through our orgasm.

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