Chapter 33

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Waking up to an empty bed was not what I wanted this morning.
Rolling over on Victor's bed I look for a note like normal and read it.

Gone to work baby girl, make yourself at home and I'll see you tonight
V xx

Smiling at the note and thinking this is the first time he's left me alone in his house. Climbing out the bed I make my way to his bathroom and do my morning routine.

Standing back in Victor's bedroom I pull out a t-shirt and shorts and make my way down stairs.
Looking for something to eat I just make myself some toast and decide to call Mia.
"Hey girl" I say as she answers.
"What's the plan today?" she says and I look around Victor's kitchen thinking could I invite her over?
"I'm at Victor's babe, he's gone to work" I tell her and she sighs.
"Of course you are. When can we hang out" she whines and I laugh at her.
"Let me call you back. I'll ask Victor if you can come over for a little to keep me company" I tell her and she squeals a little happily.
"Calm down, I'll call you back" I tell her laughing and hang up.

Stacey: Hey babe, can Mia come over to keep me company? X

Hitting send I wait for his reply while I make my toast and take myself into the living room.
Turning the TV on I hear my phone ring and see Victor calling.
"Hey" I say answering smiling.
"Of course she can, I said make yourself at home baby girl" he tells me making me smile.
"OK because she's whining that we never hang anymore" I tell him making him laugh.
"She's not wrong tho baby girl, you girls have fun I need to get back to this OK. I'll see you later beautiful" he says and we hang up.

Stacey: Come to Victor's he said yes X

I send the text and put my phone down enjoying my breakfast while watching crap daytime TV.

"Stacey" I hear from the door and I jump up to answer.
"I'm coming" I call out and open it.
"Hey girl, I've missed you" she says hugging me.
"I've missed you girl, come in" I tell her Opening the door wider for her.
"Isn't it weird being here without him?" she asks me looking around and going into the living room.
"A little but I've been here alot so it's not that bad. I practically live here" I tell her laughing and she looks at me raising a brow.
"Don't fall in love" she tells me laughing and I think it's abit late for that.
"Yeah yeah" I say sitting down next to her.
"I met someone aswell. It's nothing different but he's fucking hot. Like seriously" she tells me and I'm intrigued to say the least.
"Who? Do I know him?" I ask her but she shakes her head.
"His names Jason and fucking hell he's so good looking Stacey" she tells me and I nod understanding.
"Is he from around here babe? Do you have a picture" I ask her needing to see for myself. Not that anyone would sway me from my Victor.
"Yeah one second" she tells me pulling out her phone and showing me him. I think my eyes nearly pop out. Fucking hell.
"Oh my god. And you're just gonna treat him like the rest, are you crazy girl?" I ask her grabbing her phone and taking a closer look. He's seriously good looking.
"He's too sensitive for me I'll ruin him, you know me. But the sex is great so I'll just keep it at that" she says and I shake my head laughing.
"You won't ruin him babe. Don't think of yourself like that, you never know he could be your one" I say smiling and she coughs laughing hard.
"I doubt it but he says he has a brother called Liam" she tells me and I look at her needing to tell her about that to.
"I spoke with Liam. He actually loved me Mia like seriously" I tell her and she gapes at me.
"He lost his v card to you babe that's why" she tells me and I look at her confused.
"What? How do you know?" I ask her and she sighs.
"For one it's obvious and for two I spoke alot with Jason and he told me about his brother being with someone called Stacey, it wasn't hard to put two and two together" she says and I look at her with a raised brow.
"Just don't fall for his shit again babe. You deserve better than Liam fucking Johnson" she says and I nod knowing this already.
"I know I won't" I tell her and she nods happy with my answer.
"I miss him" I tell her and she sighs.
"He's at work for fuck sake you'll see him later" she says laughing at me.
"Noo I mean Liam. The way he was with me, like the old him before he became a dick and all that" I say and she looks speechless. Jeez thats new.
"Don't be stupid Stacey. You have Victor" she says and I think of my baby.
"I just miss him but I love Victor" I tell her. Wait what...
"You love him? Oh my god girl I knew you would" she says and I become emotional.. Why?
"He doesn't seem to be anything like Liam babes you have nothing to worry about" she tells me and wipes my falling tears.
"I know, but what if he doesn't feel the same and it's Liam all over again?" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"Absolutely not. He's nothing like Liam. Don't ever think that babes. You've got a good one" she tells me and I sigh hoping she's right.
"I hope so babe. I can't do all that again. It will break me" I tell her sniffling.
"It's going to be OK" she tells me and I breathe out a long breath hoping that he loves me too.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now