Where I Belong

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---------------------------Beware there is some abuse in the beginning of this, so forewarning you that this chapter will contain abuse---------------------


I had hit the wall hard, so hard in fact that it knocked the wind out of me. I coughed and it felt like I couldn't move at all. I slowly opened my eyes to see the man I loved turning in to a crazy mad person. He had never hit me before but tonight showed me what he really was capable of. We had been together for three years and now I was afraid for my life.

I had never seen this look on his face before but suddenly I felt the side of my face stinging and my head turn sideways. Then slowly I felt blood trickle down the side of my lip where his hand had just left the side of my face.

“What did I do? Why are you doing this?” I asked him.

“Because I found this.” He slung a picture at me, the picture landed in my curled in knees. I slowly lifted the picture of me and my best friend, a small smile formed on my lips. I remembered when my mom took that picture at prom.

“What are you smirking at!?” He yelled at me then grabbing he picture and tearing it in shreds.

I yelled for him to stop but he didn't listen but slowly leaned forward and took my shoulders and lifted me up off the ground and slammed my already hurting back against the wall again and soon the blackness came surrounding my vision.

I woke up in a very bright, white room with a curtain hovering around my side of the room. I blinked several times before passing back out. I didn't know what day it was when I woke back up but when I blinked I heard someone gasp and squeeze the side of my left hand. I slowly took in my surroundings, there was a little flat screen above my bed, to the right of me was a small window with the sun shining through glazing my skin lightly, then I seen my dad, my brother and grandmother sitting in different chairs beside my bed either reading or watching TV. I slowly turned my head and seen my mom smiling down at me with tears gleaming in her eyes.

“Wh-what happened?” I croaked out. My voice was so dry and it hurt to talk. My throat felt like dry sand paper.

She shook her head and the tears spilled down her cheeks, then took my hand and slowly said

“You were almost beaten to death by that man. He almost killed you. He nearly killed you. It was two days before any one heard from you so I went over to your place and I found you in the floor ….bro-broken.”

I took this in at a slow pace but the memories never came back to me, to be honest I hope I never get those awful memories back. I didn't want to know anymore than I had too.

Over the next couple of weeks, I had to go through physical therapy for my now scared back because it was broken but they had re-set it at the hospital. I looked at everyone supporting me and it made me happy but I knew deep down that I would be afraid to love again.

-One Month Later-

As I was getting ready to go out with two of my best friends to a concert my emotions got the best of me and it took me several times to do my make-up. I was some what afraid of large crowds now that I was healed but I was also afraid that he would come back. They hadn't found my ex, yet. I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being followed and always made sure to lock up my brand new apartment that I was living in. Matter of fact I went around twice, some times three times to make sure that it was locked up, no sealed up tightly so that way I knew if something happened it wasn't because I wasn't trying to protect myself.

“Hey! Ashley. . .” I heard my friend, Rachel say.

“Huh?” I slowly said, returning to my normal self. I forgot about my back showing some of the nasty scar that would always be black and blue from that horrific night.

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