Chapter 36 Victor's POV

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Waking up with my baby in my arms is always a welcoming feeling. I move the hair from her face and kiss her forehead and just look at her sleeping peacefully.
I climb out the bed slowly and reset the alarm for 9 o'clock as she has work today and walk into the bathroom ready to get in the shower. I can't wait to see Marcus today I thought with a smirk to myself.

Climbing out the shower I quickly dry and walk back into the bedroom to get dressed trying not to wake my sleeping beauty.
Quickly writing my usual note.

Baby girl I hope you have a good day at work because I know I definitely will today. I can't wait to see you later, I'll come by your house after work.
I love you
V xx

Setting the note down on her bedside I make my way downstairs and make myself a cup of coffee.

Heading out my house I lock up quietly and climb into my car, pulling off thinking of my beautiful girl sleeping soundly in my bed and make my way to the café that I meet the guys at.
Listening to the radio to wake me up further I tap my hand on the steering wheel happier than I've ever felt.

Pulling up at the café I exit my car and walk inside with a spring in my step. I feel so good today.
Placing my order I go take a seat with the guys and they look at me like I'm weird.
"What?" I ask them looking between them both.
"Your chipper today. That smile says you've had great sex, who was she" Marcus asks and Kai smiles.
"My girl.. obviously Stacey" I tell him raising a brow.
"Bro I showed you the picture she was blatenly with that black dude. Why would you believe her?" he questions and I just stare at him. Standing up I pull my arm back and connect my fist to his nose.
"Stay the fuck out of my relationship. You fucking hear me" I spit angrily sitting back down as he holds his blood splattered nose.
"No violence in here" an old lady calls out and I hold up my hands.
"Sorry ma'am" I say polity and she nods pointing at me.
"You believe that slut over your best friend" Marcus spits angrily and I'm ready to knock him out.
"Say that again I dare you" I speak low and calm when I feel anything but.
He shuts his mouth real quick and gets up grabbing his coat and leaves.
"See you" I say cocky and sit back in my seat while I wait for my breakfast.

Finishing up with my food Kai looks at me like he knows something.
"What man?" I ask him wiping my mouth with  the napkin.
"Your inlove bro, look at you" he says grinning and I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face.
"I am brother. How's you and Sian going?" I ask him knowing he likes her alot.
"We're good, she works alot so it's hard to spend time together for more than an hour sometimes" he tells me
"Oh bro it'll get better, look at me" I say getting up and paying for the food.

Arriving at work I see my dad and he waves me over.
Parking up I jump out my car and make my way over to him. I hope he doesn't buzz kill my mood.
"Son, we have a problem. The pipes burst and I need it fixing asap. Sort it" he tells me and I nod. Fuck that's gonna set us back a day fixing whatever its ruined in the building. Shit!
"I'll sort it dad don't worry" I tell him and jog into the building. I see the pipe that's burst and the area that's puddled. Fuck that's really gonna throw us back.

I check the foundation and get some of the guys over here.
"I need this cleaned out and drained asap" I tell them and they nod getting to work.
I get involved with the clean up and I hear my dad shout me from outside.
Jogging down the building site I see what I assume to be Liam with someone else.
What the fuck is he doing here?
Walking up to them I see my dad eyeing me and I nod letting him know it's OK.
"You must be Victor? We need to talk" Liam says and I nod walking into the empty office.
"By now you should know who I am and that I met up and had a chat with Stacey. She obviously told you" Liam says and I nod again.
"First off I want to reassure you that I have no intention of fucking you guys up, Stacey is one in a million you best fucking treat her that way" Liam says and I raise a brow.. Says the one that fucked her up..
"I know you know what I did and I'm ashamed of that and I have to live with that but she's so fucking special man you have no idea" Liam continues and I nod knowing he's right obviously.
"I do know how special she is that why she's mine. I love her and will not hurt her" I tell him and he smiles.
"Good, I just thought we'd have a chat and clear the air, I ain't gonna be the ex that hangs around. I'll leave you both alone I just needed to make sure you knew that and you weren't like me which I'm beginning to see your not. She needs someone like you" he tells me and I look at him confused. I was expecting him to kick off on some shit. Clearly not..
"She's happy with you, she told me and I can see it aswell. I'm glad.. Let's keep it that way" he says holding out his hand to me. I accept it and his friend looks me over.
"What the fucks he doing here?" I hear from behind me and turn seeing Marcus.
"Why you shaking fucking hands with this black cunt" he says and Liam's friend flattens him with one punch dropping Marcus on his ass.
"Thanks for that" I tell the friend smirking at Marcus and he just holds his face again like this morning.
"Don't ever speak about my brother like that again. You hear me, otherwise it'll be alot worst than just a punch to the fucking face" he says to Marcus.
"Jason.. By the way" he introduces himself to me.
"Cool, thanks for that" I say laughing and they turn to walk out leaving a dazed Marcus on the floor.
"See you around Victor" Liam says and jumps into his car.
"Right.." I say and head back to work. It's gonna be a long day.

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