Chapter 37

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Finally arriving at work after running home and changing I pull on my apron and wash my hands.
"I need you to make a batch of cupcakes, bread and scones hun" Anne tells me and I nod smiling. I haven't made bread yet so this should be fun.
"I know you've never made bread hun but you've watched me plenty of times now to do it" she says and I nod smiling.
"Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing how mine turns out" I tell her and she nods.
"Let's get to it then" she says and I pull out all the ingredients I need to start.

Serving customers while my items are in the oven I get through a load and hear the timer go off. I'm so excited to see if it's done as good as Anne's.
Pulling them all out the oven, I place the others on the counter just wanting the bread.
"How isit hun" Anne asks and I start to take it out of the tin. At least its risen so that's a bonus now for the taste.
"Oh my god that's good" Anne says and I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. I can seriously bake.
"Right I need five more loafs of this and some donuts now with jam and cream filling please hun" she tells me and I nod getting to it.

Finishing up I wash my hands and take off my apron. It's been a long day of baking and I can't wait to get home and have a long relaxing bath.
"Go home hun you should of left by now" Anne says ushering me out the door with my things and I see an extra bag. Must be bakery goods for me again.
"OK I'm going" I say laughing at her and pull on my coat. Ordering myself an Uber I decide to text Victor.

Stacey: Baby I've finished and heading home. Ring me when you've finished I'm going to relax in a hot bath. I'll think of you 😉 I love you xx

Hitting send I climb into my Uber that's pulled up and make my way home. I really need to get my car.
"Thanks" I tell the driver as he pulls up outside my house. He got here quick I thought climbing out.
Opening my door I see Macey walking down the stairs.
"Did you bring me anything back?" she asks and I nod my head holding up the bag.
"Yes, let's go" she says and follows me into the kitchen.

Finally running my bath after feeding Macey and billing a spliff from my stash, I pour in some bubbles and strip out of my clothes. Grabbing my phone I climb into the bath and light my spliff.
Sighing heavily as I relax back and let the water heal my aching body. My feet are killing being on them constantly, I don't know how people do it.
Deciding to snap a few pics for Victor I hold the spliff in my mouth and snap some provogitive ones.
Hitting send on them I wait for his reply.
Suddenly my phone starts ringing.
"Baby girl" he growls and I clench my thighs at the sound of his deep gruff voice.
"You like baby" I ask him shyly
"I fucking love. I'm on my way, get Macey to open the door" he says and I hear him start up his engine in a hurry.
"I'll be waiting for you" I tell him and we hang up. Putting my phone down I close my eyes and relax back waiting for him to come.

"Victor's here" I hear Macey shout up.
"OK send him up" I call out and the door instantly flies open.
"FUCK baby" he says beginning to strip from his clothes.
"I guess your joining me" I say with a giggle watching him.
"Absolutely beautiful" he says as I scoot forward for him to get behind me.
Stepping in he sits in and runs his ruff hands over my wet body.
"So sexy baby I love everything" he tells me and I blush feeling his growing cock poke into my back.

Walking into my bedroom with my towel wrapped around me I watch Victor as he climbs into my bed and relaxs looking in my box I didn't put away properly.
"Where's all this money from Stacey?" he asks looking back up at me.
"My dad, he gives me money every month remember" I tell him and he flips through all the notes.
"And your still living here.. You could of moved out by now baby" he says and I close the box putting it back into its place.
"I know but I haven't had time to look yet.. I will soon" I tell him with a smile pulling out his t-shirt and shorts I hand them to him and grab another one for myself.
"Are we going out or staying in?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Your choice, I don't mind either way" he says and I climb into my bed with him turning on my TV by the remote and get comfortable in his open arms.
"Liam paid me a visit today with his brother Jason" he suddenly says and I spin in his arms gaping at him
"What? Why? What did he want?" I ask him and he runs his fingers through my hair.
"Just wanted to talk that's all. Jason punched Marcus tho. That was funny" he says and chuckles clearly remembering it.
"So he wanted to talk about what?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Just basically warning me of how special you are and that I should treat you better than he did" he tells me and I spin back laying down.
"Well your doing an amazing job baby don't worry your nothing like him" I tell him and he kisses my forehead.
"Thanks baby that's good to know" he says and I relax back into him.
It's been a weird couple of days.

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