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I layed on my back with my legs bent at my knees and Loki beside me who was resting on his elbow desperate for my attention but I was ignoring him, no particular reason it's just i thought it was funny that his gaze never left my lips and every so often he'd sigh heavily. Eventually he gave up being discreet about seeking my attention "Darling are you ignoring me?" He asked gently, I stopped myself from smiling and kept my gaze straight up at the ceiling "I feel as though you are" this time a little more fed up "did I do something?" He said as he rested his hand on my cheek "Because if I did and it hurt you I assure you I didn't mean it and I'm sorry" he stated apologeticly and I felt the smile creep up, i tried to hold it in but my lips curved up into a smirk and he very quickly took note of that "ah I see how it is" he said playfully "let's see just how long you can ignore me" this time his voice deep full of desire and determination. He dragged his hand down over my breast to the hem of my shirt and he pulled it up. He brushed his thumb over my hardening nub as the pleasure churned through me but i had to keep a straight face. He leaned down and dragged his lips over my bare breasts and I gasped, I realised what I had done and bit my lip hoping he hadn't heard it but it was apparent that he had when a deep chuckle escaped his lips "I can't wait to see you break and beg me" he said looking up at me as I scoffed knowing that no begging would be occuring from me. He slowly trailed his hand down my stomach planting a line of kisses stopping at the waistband of my cotton shorts he looked up at me once more "darling this isn't going to end well for you, I'm giving you the chance to speak, use it" however his voice was full of challenge and mischeif almost as if he wanted me to ignore him and allow him to do whatever he wanted till i broke- well he was mistaken, I was definitely not going to break the both of us knew I am way to stubborn. He slipped his hand under the band and smirked once he realised I wore no undergarmernts. His hand slipped down and his thumb made lazy circles over the bundle of nerves and the pleasure built up inside me as did the want for him I moaned very quietly but he definitely heard. His fingers trailed lower until they reached my opening "you're already so wet" he said his voice full of dark desire as he slipped his finger inside me and pumped slowly, I bit my lip in an attempt to hide the pleasure churning deep in my lower stomach as my whole body tingled, he pushed his finger deeper making me moan louder than I had before as I closed my eyes allowing the pleasure to take over me. His finger pushed inside of me harder and faster, the pleasure built up growing deep within me my back arched as my hips pushed into his finger secretly pleading him to go harder and he did making the growing feeling inside me turn and roll into waves of overwhelming pleasure talking me down, I grasped the sheets shuddering as I knew the sweet release of erupting pleasure was near, he glanced at me as his fingers lazily slowed down and the immense feeling that churned in my stomach subsided I opened my eyes as he pulled his finger out dragging it over my swollen clit but not paying it much attention he looked at me his eyes full of mischeif and he tutted pitifully "oh my sweet little pet, how naive of you to think that I am going to let you finish, no I will not, not until you acknowledge my presence"

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