Chapter 39

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Stepping out my Uber I make my way into Cutx and book in with the receptionist telling her what I want done and she smiles at me.
"Certainly hun, go through and someone will be with you" the young girl tells me and I walk through.
"Can I get infills on my nails and eyelashes and henna brows please" I tell the woman and she nods smiling at me.
"Of course come sit down I'll do your nails first" she says leadimg me to a seat.

After a long day of pampering I finally exit the salon and check my phone.

Mia: Where are you I want to go shopping? X

I call her instead of texting back.
"Hey girl I've just come out the salon. Where are you?" I ask her down the line.
"Just about to leave my house I'll meet you outside river island" she says hearing her front door close and the muffling of the outside world.
"OK don't be long I'll be there" I tell her and we hang up.
Making my way through the town centre I see Marcus and he approaches me.
"You stupid bitch I know you was shagging that black bastard. Now your going to ruin fucking Victor" he spits angrily and I step back from him.
"First off who the fuck you talking to. And yeah I was years ago get over it already. Less of the fucking racism aswell. Liam will fuck you up trust me you don't want that. I'm taking the black eye and the bust lip is Jason's doing" I mock with a smirk crossing my arms.
"Yeah find it funny you've got it coming to you. Victor will see through you and see what I do. Just a little fucking slag, attention seeking hoe" he spits out and I raise a brow at him.
"Does Victor know where you are I'd love to call him" I say taking out my phone. He steps back and his face drops.
"That's what I thought little boy" I tell him and walk off. Who the fuck does he think he is.

Standing outside river island I see Mia approaching in a bright yellow dress with a big smile on her face.
"Girl I heard about what Jason did to Marcus. I wish I could of seen it" she says cheerily.
"You just missed it now. He called me a slag and alsorts cussing Liam being racist and that. I need to call Victor" I tell her speed dialing him.
"Hey what's up I'm a little busy baby?" he says in a rush.
"Marcus" is all I say and he drops what ever he was holding hearing a bang.
"What did he do? I fucking warned him" he says getting angry.
"Just a load of shit I'm OK tho I'm with Mia now he was so rude about me and spoke ill of Liam which is never good you know what he's like baby" I tell him and he hums probably nodding understanding.
"I'll sort it baby, do you need me to come get you both?" he asks me and I smile
"No baby we're gonna shop and grab some lunch, I'll see you later" I tell him looking in the shop window.
"I love you baby girl" he tells me making me smile.
"I love you too" I say and we hang up.
"We need to deal with him, I'll call Jason he's with Liam now I just spoke to him" Mia says and I think do I want Marcus to end up like Leon or worst. He deserves everything he gets.
"If you want to don't tell him your with me tho they'll deffo come" I say but she waves me off.
Walking into the shop and looking around I see a few things I like and grab them putting them over my arm and a pair of boots too.
"There hot babes Victor's gonna love them, we need to find you a sexy out fit in Ann summers too" she says making me roll my eyes. Of course she wants to go there. Jason must be someone she actually likes. I wonder how long that will last.

After going in numerous shops and buying so much we find a little bistro and order a glass of wine. I need it today after Marcus. I can't believe him.
"So you and Jason, are you like getting serious?" I ask her as the waiter leaves.
"I told you he's good sex that's it, it's nothing more babe, there on there way now" she says looking at her phone. What?
"Mia no. I can't have dinner with my ex.. Again" I whine at her and she just waves me off again.
"Liam's not coming to us. Jason said something about him not wanting to bother you, and sticking to his promise?" she says raising a brow.
"He wants me to be happy Mia. Keeping him in my life isn't what I had planned" I tell her and she shrugs. Isit?
"It's OK babe Jason knows the deal he's taking me somewhere anyways" she winks and I heave. She's so sex mad.
"I don't need to know about that love" I say laughing and sipping my wine. She picks up her glass and swirls the rosé inside of it.
"He actually likes me and I'm about to break his heart Stacey" she tells me and I look at her confused.
"Why? Don't be a bitch Mia you blatantly like him" I tell her but she shrugs.
"I have issues, I can't get to close. You know this" she says sighing and drinking the contents down in one.
"Just talk to him babe. He doesn't seem the type to run off, you said he's sweet and sensitive" I remind her and she shrugs again.
"I don't know what to do with him" she says and sighs heavily.
"We'll sort it babe, we always do. Stop running" I tell her and she shakes her head.
"I don't know how to" she says and I sigh not knowing what to do with my best friend.

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